If Muhammed(saw) was so un equal among other. Then y did he arranged his OWN daughter's marriage to the African nationality man?
If Muhammed(saw) was a racist then y Bilal(as) was one of his favourite Mu'azzin?
If Islam was biased then y even in the life of Muhammed(saw) there were so many inter racial marriages?
In one of Muhammed's(saw last Friday prayers he said <b>'No Arabic person is superior to an A'jmi (non Arab) and also no A'jmi is superior to an Arabic person, the best infront of Allah are the ones who r pious & good in their emaan'</b>
Islam spread a new order of Equality...a record that no other religion has set.
Before the times of Islam, the African people were ONLY thought good to be 'slaves'. The proof of it is, their position in Christian & pre Christian era as slaves. They were not even considered humans by the racist Europeans.
Islam gave people of faith of every colour/culture/background the same rights. While in Europe there was a dark age, where in the name of 'abnormality' (in colour/faith/culture difference were treated brutally), Muslim civilisation was reaping the benefits of <b>unity</b>.
Unity, was the thing that made them more civilised than other civilisations.