05-02-2005, 10:23 AM
Azubilah minal shaitani rajeem Bismilah rahmani raheem
Asalamalaikum warah matulahi wabarakatu
Masha'Allah indeed every wife who applies that wonderful advice to her life will have insha'Allah a very blessed marriage. May ALlah bless us with the best characteristics of the women of Ansar ameen.
Last night I was watching a lecture by Khalid Yasiin, I urge you all to watch it it's called "Advice to Muslim Women" (Yasmin and a few other sisters watched it with me). It really tackles some of the issues that muslim couples face here in the west and how to shield ourselves from it.
How the western ideology can destroy our islamic homes and the future of the little innocent children who are in our care, whom we are responsible for.
It was really beneficial and I have learned so much from it. May Allah bless Brother Khalid Yasiin with Jennah ameen. He was a bit harsh when he was addressing the issue of polygany [img]style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif[/img] . ( Insha'Allah we'll not turn this thread into a polygany discussion thread). [img]style_emoticons/default/rolleyes.gif[/img][img]style_emoticons/default/ph34r.gif[/img] lol
I hope that talking about Khalid yasin and mentioning his lecture doesn't count as Backbiting, astaqfuruAllah inshaAllah. I Love him for Allahs sake.
Quote:Thats the most greatest advice. i cant wait to hav daughters and pass this advice to them as it will strengthen thier marriage lots inshallah [img]style_emoticons/default/wink.gif[/img]
Can't wait here either, but first <i>" we need to get you hitched"</i> [img]style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img]
I can't wait for the hennah party.