03-17-2005, 06:49 AM
Assalamu aleikum,
MashaAllah sisters and brothers we have always our deen to discuss and lean on. Alhamdulillah.
We all know by now what Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala says alhamdulillah.
So just a personal aspect of this, since I know most brothers are very strong in deen and also are quite talkable. A husband that knows his wife cannot bare the thought, for some reason, to have a co-wife, is surely able to think ahead. IF a second marriage would result in that his first wife, that he promised to look after before Allah, SWT, will be unhappy then he will be unhappy and surely the second wife will be unhappy. And that may result in loss of deen. In an non-harmonic environment. So also common has to partake in this decision.
But also as stated, there are women and men that are able to live with a co-wife/another wife.
May Allah, Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala help us all in our struggle to stay on His Path and may He show us His Mercy.
Wa aleikumu assalam