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why we will not take what rashad khalifa is saying


as salam alykom

I was going to make this post under:

where our dear brother Wel_mel linked a site which ronniv used before and we deleted the link.

But I saw that this will be totally off topic, yet I really needed to help people see why we dont link him So I brought the topic here Insh a Allah. At the same time, I saw it is our duty to explain the major defects he is making in his approach towards Islam which actually invalidates his literature.


I already looked into parts of the site before when ronniv used it. But today to be more honest, I spent more time. he is totally distorted even with meanings of words. Like he is confused between the arabic words of message and messenger saying that native arabic speakers know they are both the same, no they are not the same at all, how can the subject be the same as the noun. Basic grammer even in any language.

For everyone:

<b>Message: resalah

Messenger: rasoul

Big difference.

based on this, he takes the freedom of interpreting certain Ayahs in Quran accordingly which certainly creates much confusion on many levels.

Just exactly as he decided that the true and probably only miracle of Quran which makes it impossible to meet the challenge of Allah of producing a similar Surat (chapter) is the mathematical aspect in Quran which was only found on the 70s. La hawala wala qowata ila billah and for this he interprets an Ayahs of Surat Mutaffifeen:

1. Waylun lilmutaffifeena

2. Allatheena itha iktaloo AAala alnnasi yastawfoona

3. Wa-itha kaloohum aw wazanoohum yukhsiroona

4. Ala yathunnu ola-ika annahum mabAAoothoona

5. Liyawmin AAatheemin

6. <b>Yawma yaqoomu alnnasu lirabbi alAAalameena</b>

7. Kalla inna kitaba alfujjari lafee sijjeenin

8. Wama adraka ma sijjeenun

9. Kitabun <b>marqoomum</b>

The same underlined word is again repeated later in:

Kalla inna kitaba al-abrari lafee AAilliyyeena

19. Wama adraka ma AAilliyyoona

20. <b>Kitabun marqoomum</b>

Note that the same expression is repeated for both groups either fujar or the aailliyyoon.

Before getting into explanation, let me first put the translation of the Ayahs:

" Woe to Al-Mutaffifin [those who give less in measure and weight (decrease the rights of others)],* Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, demand full measure,

* And when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.* <b>Think they not that they will be resurrected (for reckoning),</b>* On a Great Day, *The Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the 'Alameen (mankind, jinns and all that exists)?* Nay! Truly, the Record (writing of the deeds) of the Fujjaar (disbelievers, sinners, evil-doers and wicked) is (preserved) in Sijjeen.* And what will make you know what Sijjeen is?* A Register inscribed." (Quran 87:1-9)

Then again:

"Nay! Verily, the Record (writing of the deeds) of Al-Abraar (the pious who fear Allah and avoid evil), is (preserved) in 'Illiyyoon.* And what will make you know what 'Illiyyoon is?* A Register inscribed." (Quran 87:18-20)

As he is totally confused he is explaining the word marqoom, just because it is a derivative of the word raqam in arabic which means number, as the mathematic miracle of Quran. In this not only that he is limiting the miracle of Quran to one aspect, but also totally changing the meaning of the surah.

Physically this part of the surah as clearly stated in the translation is talking about when people will resurrect, because it begins with a serious warning to those who decrease the rights of others. Because it is a warning, Allah Is reminding those who do it with the Day of Resurrection during which our records which are stamped, well contained, fully detailed and assigned perfectly for each one without any possibility of confusion, will be presented before Allah. That is what Marqoom means and it is a description for the record, which is stated in the Arabic word as kitab. Kitab in Arabic means book, but here Allah Is using it as the record in which angles write (yaktub) our deeds, talk, writing, and all.

But he decides that marqoom is a mathematically structured and thus he makes the word kitab here which is the record as the Quran.

And these are not but an example of many distortions.

One last major point. The Quran being a miraculous book has many and multiple aspects, no I even say countless reasons for being so. Some reason we mankind were able to know throughout 1400, some are yet unknown to us.

But why it is miraculous because it is the work of the Creator, why no one can produce one letter like it, because it is Allah Who Sent it for us to follow.

Sobhan Allah


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why we will not take what rashad khalifa is saying - by Muslimah - 03-10-2005, 02:27 PM

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