03-04-2005, 01:44 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2005, 01:53 PM by KeePtHeFaitH.)
Wassalam. YeS I m the Problem human for humanworld....everyhwhere and everytime...
I dont like love movies and storys anymore, Love doesnt have pleace in my heart. This DNA is cutted out from me from ..... .......................... .
I wanna see movies with much blood and scaring.
My interest of listen is also changed, I dont listen nasheeds or song of folks. I listen some specialy musics now, withoutz songs...What I only listen is sometimes Quran but some not all. these reciters what I like to listen.
I dont know why I stil live, for what...when I dont can do thinks what Allah swt will from me anymore...
BTW: where is NZ?
JazzakallahuKhayr and Jum'aa mobarak to you tooo...wassalam fiii amanlillah...