Thanks for posting the link, umm_Z. Reading that story actually proves to me that this Yusuf Estes person didn't really understand New Testament Christianity. His lack of understanding of Paul's teachings shows me that. Now, I'm not saying that he wasn't really a Christian at the time, although a lot of his story makes me question it (i.e., <i>whenever I see someone say I was "raised Christian"</i>), that is always a good indicator to me.
But it <b><i>seems</i></b> that he may have been genuine with it as some point in time, but he only appears to have lacked proper training and understanding of the Scriptures.
I fear the most for anyone who may have TRULY been a Christian and then turned away from it. Thankfully, I haven't seen or heard of too many of these cases. Right now, I'm at 1 1/2 persons - 1 I met years ago online and perhaps this Y. Estes person.
One "silly" thing that Y. Estes brought up is:
Quote:Then comes, THE QUESTIONS NOBODY WANTS TO ANSWER - What about the Bible? Who actually wrote it?
And then he throws out this list of questions AS IF Christians are afraid to tackle these issues.
I find that laughable. [img]style_emoticons/default/biggrin.gif[/img]