02-14-2005, 03:58 PM
I'm not about to get into the trinity thing. Being a former x-tian myself, it is difficult for muslims to understand what x-tains feel is not contraditory. Just as none of us muslims here are scholars, neither (I am assuming) are there x-tian scholars here. This might be why many times chances of understanding get missed due to our general lack of knowledge. Maybe.
I also wanted to point out a weakness in this statement:
"So long as I believe I am worshipping and believing as the Bible teaches, then that is sufficient enough for me."
These are the same thoughts that terrorists who blow up themselves and others have. This is equivilent to stating that only our own personal morality matters. If that was true then there would not be prisons for criminally insane people. They view their actions and thoughts as regular and acceptable but others do not percieve them as such.
R- I know this is not what you are trying to say so I thought I would point it out first so it would not be snatched up to be used against you. Just trying to do my job of keeping discussions focused.
Stepping out.