01-24-2005, 12:43 AM
As Salam alaikum
I know that I have been slacking lately but I am going to try to be more of a presense. My first act will be to remind us all (I include myself) that we should make the best efforts to STAY ON TOPIC. This serves a couple of purposes and I am sure we could come up with more if we were so inclined. The first purpose is obviously to keep the conversation focused so the topic can be properly discussed. Next it will also be of great benefit when we or visitors want to search the archives. How would we like to search for a topic only to discover that it is a conversation about Eid or how we are doing or other things that tend to get us off track.
My next act will be to remind everyone that this is an ISLAMIC FORUM. This means that Islam is discussed. I suggest pm'ing someone if you really want to compare Islam and Christianity or some other comparison. We can help people understand the beliefs that Islam holds but we do not need to get into defending the religion to others.
As Salam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatu