01-03-2005, 07:31 PM
Quote:Rehmat, doesn't the Quran take precidence over the hadiths? If one contradicts the other, for example lashing verses stoning, shouldn't the Quran be followed and only lashings?
A good question dear. I am not an Islamic theologist, therefore, I will be very short on this subject.
Yes Holy Qur'an is the Word of Allah - therefore, it indeed has precident of everything else. However, the basic rationality of a Prophet is to interpret the message of God, under the Divine Guidance. For, example, there is no mention of how to pray Salaat, or how many times, or how many Rakahs. It was all taught to the Believers by the Prophet (pbuh).
A Muslim scholar could interpret the Holy Qur'an's message (Ijtehad) - Only if there is no clear and genuine interpretation available in the Seerah of the Prophet (pbuh).
Allah knows the best.