12-24-2004, 08:40 AM
waalaikum salam wbt, if that was me, i won't stop at a deserted traffic light at 2a.m. It can be high-risk, for a lady. anyway, maybe he's a better driver.
i guess, sometimes when i do something bad, e.g: feeling lazy, lost patience, etc. i hope God would be Most Merciful. but i know even anybody nice will be offended to be "taken advantage" as such, many times, even more so God. so i do try to be good & not do it again..
I guess that's why Islam requires the community to give advices among the people. so that whenever we lag a little, somebody will remind us. i know my mom, dad, family will nag me whenever they think I do something wrong. self-discipline is good, though with a community is even better, to me. coz sometimes one might feel so good enough, it might get to our heads. we feel we do nothing wrong. but with a good community, others will often bring us back to earth, & point out what we missed...