12-16-2004, 06:33 AM
assalamo alikum
Bro and sisters.during the 4 days of being together the marriage is consumated.
Well we have to be prudent sisters in choosing a man to be our partners in life,when i was a catholic nun i put priest in a pedestal.i thougth they were angels and saints but they are all humans subject to sins and to commit mistakes,likewise with us we tried our very best to become as good as Allah(swt) wants us to be,but oftentimes we failed.
But i want spell it out the husband is selfish iam sorry for the term.He is an Alim but he dont know what is wrong and rigth he wanted to obey his mother who told her that if take her back his wife,dont ever ever call her mother again.it just becouse the wife cannot fulfill what ever the conditons of the marriage but it doesnt mean forever.He is living of what other people is saying,
Ya Allah forgive me...Ya Allah forgive me....Ya Allah forgive me