12-15-2004, 08:12 AM
Jezekelah khayran Radiyah.
I think I understand where you are coming from mashaAllah. I believe it has much to do with patience and how much Imaan one posesses in order to really stand firm in this type of situation and look at the brighter side. I can openly and honestly say that I would be one of the one who's imaan would be most shackled . Here is actually a hadith that confirms what you said <b>"Your little ones are the larvas (da`aamees) of Paradise. They will meet their parents and grab them by their garments or their hands to no end other than that Allah will enter them Paradise." </b>
Sahih Muslim.
here is another one:
<b>"Whoever of my Community have two forerunners [farataan=children who died early], Allah enters them Paradise." </b>
`A'isha said, Allah be well-pleased with her, "What about a single forerunner?"
The Prophet replied, upon him peace, "And whoever has a single forerunner, you gifted woman!"
She said, "And whoever has none?"
He replied, "I am the forerunner of my Community. They endure no thing greater than my loss."
I cannot imagine a greater trial for any mother to go through than that of losing her own child. Whatever Allah wills happens, but remember RasuLuLah cried when his young son died? He was saddened. I think its only natural to feel sad, not many of us can really smile and say its a blessing that Allah took my child. Even though the truth is, that child can become their means to jennah one day inshaAllah.
May Allah increase our Sabr and Imaan, and ameen to your dua