12-14-2004, 11:16 PM
HI Chield Of Nowhere
I appreciated your reply,and I feel you are so honest,but sorry I am still on my
believe.I was hesitated to reply for many reasons
1-It is not nice for me to tell any one that I think his country is a nation of evil.
2-I have a long speech, I want to tell you in this subject but time is limited and
my poor english does`nt help me.
3-I found that you start a good and better discussion with other friends and I want
no intrruption for you.
But there is an important point in your reply, I want to understand.You said "I
believe religion should evolve just as our society does.who is to say that Allah can
not change his mind?"did you mean that the God can change his mind,for me I can`t believe that the God who create this universe changes his mind,if you mean what I understand, please clarify.
for the rest of your reply there are some comments ,I hope you understand me.
You said that" the US had full UN approval. in the case of Afganistan",but what US did when she failed to have this approval in case of Iraq?
Any how I consider UN a biased organisation,what UN did for neglecting Israel to about 100 of UN decisions,what UN did when Israel prevent UN deputies to justify the truth in Genen,what UN did when US occupied Iraq without its approval?
It is a matter of power my friend.
I did`nt understand what do you mean when you said"I think that Bush made the right decision with the intelligence that he had" do you mean that his intelligence made him taking the right decision, or you mean that his limited intelligence let him consider attacking the Iraq a right decision.
You ask me to remember that Bush allowed Saddam to bush back on the "firm" deadline for UN weapons inspectors before finally taking action, I ask you to remember that France and Germany tried to let him accept to give more time for the inspectors to finish their job but he refused, I ask you to remember that there was no destructive weapons,it was a false information.
You said that " It takes no less than 4 people to fire any of our nuclear arsenal"
do you know that US was the only nation use her atomic weapons(Nagasaki and
Heroshima),can you tell me who use the depleted uranium in the first war of
Iraq,only America.
You think that whom you call insurgents fight without honor,ask the Falluja to
tell you the truth (I heard in this moment that Israel shoot a primary school
in Palistine, and 9 young girls 9 years old are wounded, I am waiting for the
American response.)
I agree we are poor countries with annual income less than you and lower level of
technology than you,but this did not give you the right to occupy our land and to kill us under the umbrella of democracy and believe me only you can fight for your
rights. Your democracy did not give you the right to unrespect the others.
Do you accept the others to do like your fore-fathers did, based on the same reason(they believed that they had a mandate from god.....)?
Your opinion about the treatment of the woman in the middle east is not correct ,
I think you have this opinion from American biased media and we can discuss this
subject in details if you want.
I really want to know your conclusion about the Palastinean case,as I saw the truth is so simple ,so clear,why you did`nt?
I wander why you think that the Guantanimo prisoner are treated fairly, where is their right to get a fair judgment,did you forgot Abu Graib?
I think that what happened in Abu-Graib is not the responsibility of a few soldiers,
it the responsibility of the inviroments which permit to this ill thought to exist,
It the responsibility of the system who admitted this behavior to be done . and by
the way what is the penalty these soldiers had,is it equal to there behavior?
In our socity death is better than opposing to this dirty bahavior.
I wish the best for honest Americans.