12-04-2004, 11:07 AM
As salam alykom dear members
I sincerely apologize for what happened from the member who chose to him/herself an obscene nickname that actually hurt our feelings. I really don’t know why some people insist to introduce themselves as followers of a religion that allows them to be obscene. Islam, our religion, encourages us to adopt kind and good moral and mannerism while dealing with others in addition to trusting others. When we launched this forum, we sat the membership in a way that allows registration without control. However, such behavior from people made us compelled to set the registration in a way that enforces some control.
I apologize to all my dear brothers and sisters. Such procedure will delay the activation of new members while shall put extra burden on the mods. But we have no other way with members who are not up to the trust like this one.
I appreciate the concern of sisterJennifer and Muslimah and Radiyah for their concern and all other members who took the trouble to see into this matter.
As for the member, he/she is banned. As for the threat to close down the forum there is a saying in Arabic that says. He may choose the tallest among his horses to rid. In other words he can hit the ceiling if he can