03-16-2003, 05:04 PM
Assalamu'alaikum, thank-you very much for your kind words. I am usually very quiet but then when something really hits a nerve - you really can't get me to stop expressing myself! (lol)
Alhamdulilah i have been a muslim since the spring of 1995. Just last year I married a fine muslim man from Jordan. I had a very strong christian faith until one fateful day Allah led me to Islam. Having a strong faith in Allah (God) my heart was open to guidance. I think there is a verse saying that Allah guides whom He wills. . .
I think having an open mind to accept that there are differences in the world, (and I don't me the immediate surrounding world that some people think encompass all), can open peoples hearts to understand the words of Allah.
well, i will go for now. I am very curious to see more on the Bin Laden thread because obviously the world is in turmoil over this mans actions. I personally believe this was his original intentions and i am not one to judge, because i firmly believe Allah guides all things in this world - good and bad - for reasons we may never know.