10-22-2004, 02:44 PM
Hmmm.... I don't really think that what I've asked has turned or switched or anything. I simply asked 2 questions, the 1st of which has been addressed.
When I asked why all the other prophets spoke to God directly but Muhammad was sent an angel, I wasn't anticipating the fact that we (Christians and Muslims) don't even agree about God's method/mode of communicating with other prophets.
I thought we at least had *that* common understanding and that I could thus get an answer as to why it seemed to change with Muhammad. But, if the base level of understanding is not common among us, then that negates the whole question. For me, there apparently will never be a good answer given, because the whole premise of my question (i.e., that God spoke directly to other prophets besides Moses) is not even believed by Muslims.
So, I'm not "turning" my purpose into anything.
My question was what it was. But my question will not get an answer, because we don't even agree on the foundational issue that prompted me to ask in the first place.