03-14-2003, 11:14 PM
I am an American by birth and now I am muslim by heart and by the Grace and Mercy of Allah. I cannot change the fact that I am American and I cannot change my government alone. I vote and Thank Allah I have the right to vote (I did not vote for Pres Bush by the way).
As far as September 11, 2001, this is a horrible thing to happen. Allah never promised us a path of peace and ease. Allah only promises us that if we should ask aid Allah will provide.
These people who committed the acts of September 11, 2001, were influenced by Osama bin Laden. He has taken the hearts of faithful followers of Allah and planted the seeds of hate.
Hate is such a waste of time, energy and life.
The fact is - September 11, 2001 has happened. It is gone. What is left?
Do you choose to harbor continued hate in your heart or do you wish to find why Allah has allowed a thing such as this to happen?
Think about it.
Bad things have happened throughout history since the beginning of time.
this does not mean that we should not learn and grow.
Since September 11, 2001 America has opened it's eyes to the fact that there are other people in the world that do not agree with Christianity and still believe in God.
How much more aware of Islam america is today because of the horrible things that happened on September 11, 2001.
For myself I saw September 11, 2001, as a remembrance of how my brother was lost to me in a fire when I was a child. This related to me that now there were 5,000 people that experienced what my one family felt.
Pain happens in life face it.
America is becoming the epitome of the England that the american colonist fought so hard to bring freedom to our land.
America is taking advantage of the power it holds with money and military might.
The american government is losing sight of true freedom.
History proves this will not last and I think the Martyrs actions of September 11, 2001 where similar to the actions of american colonist who would not stand for the unbearable treatment they were receiving and decided for freedom.
Anyway - enough for the soapbox talk.
Try to take September 11, 2001 into the perspective of Allah's Divine Will.
Allah tests the faithful, judging the goodness in their hearts and actions.
All things are in the Guiding Hands of Allah for whatever Divine purpose that may be.
Salaam and may Allah impart Wisdom and Mercy on the Ummah of Islam.