10-13-2004, 07:24 PM
Quote: Asalamalaykum
Alhamdulilah I am pleased to let you all know, that I've learned that there is no such thing as "angels making babies smile". I've done a bit of searching for answers on this and I asked my cousin who is a Hafiz of the whole Quraan to look in the quraan and show me anything that supports this, He said no. Nor in a hadith. So it's fair to say that this is just (something that people have invented themselves).
Does anyone know any hadith that clearly describes the Size of Angel Gabriel (ra)?
I have once heard that one of the feathers of his wings is big enough to cover the whole world. InshaAllah if anybody knows more on this tell me, Jezekelah khayran.
Alsalam 'alaykom
I aagree with u about the babies seeing angels intuition, I asked the scholar he said " I do not know there is no hadeeth of such a thing, but I can say one thing that babies see things we do not see" those were the words of the scholar. Wallah Subhanahu Wa Ta'la 'Alam.
and about Gabriel yes the scholar told us such a thing but he said one wing of his not one feather, and i do not remember the hadeeth right now, well let us make a new reasearch for that also.
Wasalam 'alaykom wa rhamt Allah wa Barakatuh