10-11-2004, 11:10 AM
Quote:Woo big horrible Anya, simply because i ask difficult questions you do not like.
Okay, let’s get this straight right off the bat. Now, get ready . . . .
I do not care if you ask what <b>YOU</b> consider to be difficult questions. Christianity has been getting attacked since it began by probably every other belief system there is. I personally have been attacked for my faith and I’ve gotten a lot better challenges than what you’ve presented. Please don’t assume that your questions are THAT good, because they are pretty typical and rather old, to be honest.
Quote:Errrrr wrong. How can you INTERPRET FACTS differently?
<b>Example: </b> Someone can make the claim that Islam is a religion of violence as proven by the HISTORICAL FACTS that Muslims have been at war with other nations and peoples since it began. The prophet of Islam himself was engaged in more than 60 battles during his 23-year prophetic career alone. If one looks throughout history, you can see Muslims at war with others. They can show you present-day FACTS about how Muslims are engaged in wars and heinous acts all over the world. They can present the passages from the Quran and Hadith that would seem to support the idea that Islam is violent. A non-Muslim could easily conclude that Islam is a violent religion.
Most Muslims would not agree even though the historical FACTS would seem to show otherwise.
Now, <b>LET ME MAKE THIS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR</b>….. I am NOT coming here to make that claim. But since you seemed to not understand what I was saying, I presented this example.
Quote:If you came to me with HISTORICAL FACTS showing me the Quran was corrupted over time, and had many different versions written which Muslims of today didn't know about.
I have pointed you to an excellent source already in my earlier post; understand I’m not claiming corruption per se, just differences. And no, I am NOT talking about the simple dots and other markings that were added over time to aid people in the proper pronunciation of words. If we want to go into this, perhaps we should start a separate thread on the issue.
Quote:Reading Quran in English the translation is lost anyway and all English Qurans acknowledge this, thus they suggest reading the Arabic version.
Great! That’s why I wasn’t talking about the English versions either. Can’t get me quite that easily. I am talking about the ARABIC Quran manuscripts.
Quote: I'm sorry again...and i apoligise here too...for assuming you was bought up in a western Christian envioronment,
I appreciate your apology. Now, let me say this. I didn’t mean to suggest that I didn’t grow up in the “West”. What I was against was the idea that my faith was simply handed down to me by my parents and I simply never questioned it. (My mother, for example, wasn’t a Christian while I was growing up; and my father didn’t push his faith on me). Growing up in the “West” does not guarantee that a person will be a Christian. Contrary to popular belief, a large number of Americans are hell-bound.
Quote: Thus i went to Islam after proving to myself God exists.
You proved this to yourself? I’d be interested in knowing how.
Quote:This here is a shame, you know directly that there are many denominations but you still for the second time refuse to anser the question because it leaves you on shaky ground.
Leaves me on shaky ground? Really? That’s kinda cute, actually.
Listen, I did not deny that there are many denominations. But you asked me “who is right”? Well, who is right out of which one’s? If you had presented to me 3 or 4 that you had questions about, I could have easily answered your question.
For the most part, though, the denominations are NOT all that different from one another. The central tenet of the Christian faith is belief in the Creator God, the recognition that we are all sinners apart from Him, and belief/confession that Jesus Christ came as God manifest in the flesh, was crucified, dead, buried and resurrected, suffering the penalty for our sins.
Most denominations differ mainly in worship styles, beliefs about how the gifts of the Holy Spirit are used, or some other issue that does not affect a person’s salvation. Now, some groups may have some particular teachings that are heretical – that is it breaks from good, sound doctrine. Some of these can be minor; some severe.
Quote:Why refuse to answer something you CLEARLY know leaves your religion looking shaky. Isn't that a kind of Denial.
No. I’m just not dumb enough to try to offer a response to a question that is not clearly defined.