10-09-2004, 08:29 AM
Assalamu aleikum sister Intuition,
You have a good point there
''I think Brothers should have their beards, everyone is busy pointing fingers at the sisters and brothers walk around without their beards.''
Ok I will not be so drastic as to say everyone, but I see your point, pointing fingers... But it is a good thought though, that we sisters take responsibility to our dresscode and our brothers as well. And if we sisters take on our hijab which is Fard, and our brothers will grow a nice and tidy bear which is Sunnah. Then EVERYONE that is NOT a Muslim can recognize us as pious Muslims dedicated to our faith and following our beliefs. (Maybe they will not realize that at first sight, but eventually inshaAllah) Even if that in some societies is very difficult, inshaAllah we will get the strength and reward from Allah, SWT, for doing so.
Wasalam your sister in faith