10-09-2004, 05:16 AM
Woo 101 posts, who would have thought it not me. I look back at this first post i made and still remember how i feel. In fact i feel very special and i thank the islamsms.com team for having it pinned up here. I have progressed so much, and i have learnt so much from you guys here, who have made my journey from Agnostic to Muslim so much easier. Coming on here every day has helped me immensly. I don't feel i am worthy of a pinned post, even now. And i thank Allah for the kindness everyone has shown me. I think all new Muslims should come here who are alone as i was. As it's very tough but even more difficult without Muslims around you, just wanted to say thanks to you guys for keeping me on the right path. I hope i remain strong in my faith like everyone here has.
Allah even helped me with my Music & Girlfriend situation. My girlfreind and i were speaking for hours about God / Islam last a few nights back. And to see the spark of understanding in her eye was a sign of Allahs love and help to me. But whenever i got close to asking her things like...."what is it inside your brain that looks at the electrical signal that sends pictures to the brain, what is it that sees that?" and she would say "well the spirit" but still not belive in a God, and lock up in her conversation when it comes close to her beliving. But to even be able to discuss it with her, when she previously wouldnt have give it the time of day is from Allah.
Well just wanted to say thanks to you guys. Insha Allah this board will remain here for the rest of our days.