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A Catholic Nun: Bad Experience But Beautiful End.

Assalamu aleikum dear sister Sally,

You are going through trial after trial sister, it is hard when being in the middle of it but try to look at what you will gain afterwards. And we should always remember to say alhamdullillah, when times are good and when times are less good. Allah, SWT, is strenghtening us by His trials.

Sister I can only tell you that I think we may all be met by our Muslim brothers and sisters sometimes by misunderstand instead of understanding. I too can experience that, since I live in a Muslim country and of course people recognize me not being born here. I am now and then met by the word 'shrania', should mean something like, a kafr or Christian och Jew or whatever, that has 'just for fun' put the hijab on me, for whatever reason. By now I have heard it so many times so I have got almost used to it, but it did hurt me a lot in the beginning. AND this most often comes from women that do not wear hijab nor have very much on them. But it can also be said from others. BUT interesting enough I did so far not hear a man say it. And also the studying, not always nice looks, that gaze from my top to my shoes can also be very hurting. But inshaAllah I try to live like the Qur'an tells me to live, to not stare and avoid to look at people. Which can result in that I don't even recognize the women I know when I meet them.

But this has strenghten me very much mashaAllah, so sometimes I say 'lets go to the local market so I can do some daw'ah'!

InshaAllah sister you will also come strong out of this, just continue to have faith in Allah, SWT, He IS the best Protector, Keeper that you and we all have. Alhamdullillah.

Wasalam your sister


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A Catholic Nun: Bad Experience But Beautiful End. - by umm Zachariah - 10-03-2004, 04:38 PM

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