09-26-2004, 03:49 PM
Quote:Is JD banned? You people are an absolute disgrace.
The only disgrace I can describe is when one who is living on <b>Allah's</b> land, Under <b>His</b> Shade, eating <b>His</b> food, drinking <b>His</b> water, breathing from <b>His</b> air, dressing and enjoying life in all its aspects from materials <b>He</b> created, <b>He</b> the reason u r living and existing, <b>Him being Merciful</b> with u and giving u chances to repent, <b>Him being Generous</b> and opening for u doors of Knowledge, and still u r <b>SO UNGRATEFUL
</b> denying <b>His Existance</b>, when are u going to wake up and admit the truth Hazams, we might not be perfect, we might not have conveyed the right idea to your brains , well we are not perfect, we are still learning and we will keep on learning till the day we die, so our ignorance has nothing to do with u denying God's existance. <b>WAKE UP</b> before it is too late.