05-27-2003, 01:41 PM
Mash a Allah and Alhamdulelah
ماشاء الله والحمد لله رب العالمين
for this response speically from the volunteers Amira, Raafi (and Yes brother islammessage supports Arabic now الحمد لله) and Henfy Jazakum Allah khairan katheeran. See as long as we got this response, I have 16 votes now for people who support the idea, some of you came up with brilliant ideas, creating a chatting room may take sometime though. However, with your help we can Insh a Allah get this idea in funtion. Alhamdulelah Allah blessed me to help a few number of people and we can apply the same. I thought of offering the suggestion so that not only one person may retain the reward. Ok here is an initial plan Insha Allah:
1. We will create a section for volunteers to meet and share ideas.
2. another for learners to start joining and following the lessons.
3. Based on this any new comers shall find the lessons still sitting there and may just pick and start.
4. In such case the new comer may also contact any of us volunteers for questions.
5. Again and again, make salatul Hajja for this project to succeed Insh a Allah it will be a sadaqa jarriyah for us and Allah shall teach us what we don't know.
6. If u all agree to the initial plan let me know. Insh aAllah will start working on it immediately.
I am sooooo Happy
الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على أشرف المرسلين