09-10-2004, 01:56 AM
This forum reminded me of a funny story. I went to school with this muslim kid from Somalia. He was on the high school wrestling team and it was a few days before a big match. Now, as many of you may know, wrestlers have to be very careful about what they eat, because if they are even a half a pound over their weight class, they are disqualified. What I should also mention, is that it happened to be ramadaan (sp?). So the day of the match comes, he goes in to be officially weighed....... 6 lbs overweight. The coach turns to him and says "Dude, you GAINED weight during wrestling season... AND RAMADAAN?" The kid just kind of shrugged his shoulders and was like "Ok, I cheated a little." I think it was more than just a "little" cheating. Maybe a few pizzas worth of cheating. hahahaha!