Peace u r getting the points mixed up, I dont want to quote Ayahs of Quran and repeat what we ve been saying all the time.
Again and again:
1. defending Muslim land is a religious duty: part of the responsibilities we assume
during our transit stop.
2. We are commanded not to stand still in face of aggression against Muslims, so standing still is violating our duties.
3. It does not bother me when non muslims dont realize the fact about the transit stop. We dont go around pushing people to adopt our beliefs, only when they seek knowledge we respond.
4. When a Muslim falls short in this point, I certrainly have to grow concerned, also as part of my duty.
5. Most important is that during this transit stop we are bound by a set of rules and regulations made by ALLAH, we must not again must not overlook them. Simply because following the rules ensures our safety. Like for instance that we must abide by immigration rules in any given country or else we are in trouble.
6. Issue of Palestine is also settled in Quran, what is happening is actually all included in Quran. There will be a major war among Muslims and jews according to Quran to take back what they stole. That is it Peace.
7. Jews living there are settlers brought from evey where on organized trips......and mostly receive military training. peace it is a long issue that would be settled by Allah, as mentioned in Quran. Even them being gathered in one place is a sing for the closeness of this war. See we know all this from our book. Alhamdulelah. We dont force events.