09-02-2004, 12:22 PM
Thanks Radiyah. Nice forum here. To bad this isn't how wars are fought.
Main Entry: mega·death
Pronunciation: -"deth
Function: noun
: one million deaths -- usually used as a unit in reference to nuclear warfare
MEGADETH - A heavy metal band from California.
[ You are right too many lives wasted, till when this is gonna go on no one knows but God. ]
Apparently a lot of other people think they "know" as well because there a lot of people out killing in his name.
[Megadeth I have American neigbors living next to me, I have no hate towards American people. It doesn't have to be in another place where we could be friends. In Dubai there are alot of westerners, no bombs on them. You wouldnt put a bomb in my family bus what makes you think that I would the same? You are exagurating calling me a terrorist supporter, If I was, I could just go and behead Americans living next door. Would it be right that I called you an American terrorists assuming you support Bush?]
I don't remember you condeming these beheadings. You're right though. I should have made it more clear. Terrorist sympathizer is what you sound like. A terrorist takes action and you sympathize with them. You could call me terrorist, but I don't support Bush. I intend to vote for John Kerry, but the more of these beheadings I see the more I think maybe we do need to wipe these people out. Muslim governments obviously are afraid of or sympathize with these terrorist so it makes you think maybe they really can't be reasoned with. Live and let live is not there way of thinking.
I don't think anyone in the Iraqi Army who died fighting while in the military is a terrorist. You seem unable to draw a line between someone in the military and someone who kills 200 children in a school by purposely taking the children as hostages.
I know you're argument back; American bombs have killed this many of these people in this time frame. There's a difference between someone intentionally killing someone and someone being killed in an act of war. It's never good, but murder and manslaughter are two different things. 2