08-24-2004, 08:29 PM
when Al Muatism army conquered the Romans he insisted on opening the jail of the sister himself...and he did and when she saw him she was amazed and he smiled and said "i heard your call sister"
another man in Andalus named "Al Hajib Al Mansour"..he had good relations with the christian kingdoms and one day one of his men was walking in a christian city near a church when he heard women calling him from inside the church..there were 3 Muslim women jailed inside the church..a christian soldier abducted them and was getting ready to sell them in slavery....as the man went back to Cordoba he told Al Hajib Al Mansour about it and the decision was instant...no peace...no good realtions..NOTHING will stop us from saving a sister in need..and so the Chrsitian king woke up to find an army of 80,000 Mujahid by his city gates...
<b>The christian King</b> :what!!
<b>Al Hajib Al Mansour</b> : where is our sisters?
<b>The christian King</b> : what sisters..sir?
<b>Al Hajib Al Mansour</b> : they are locked in a church in your city..a soldir of yours abducted them
<b>The christian King</b> : no kidding!!..sir
<b>Al Hajib Al Mansour</b> : move on...your time is running...get the sisters from the church to us with honor or let swords speak
<b>The christian King </b>: no need for swords sir as you like..i will punish this soldier accept my apologize sir
compormise about your great religion teachings (Islam) and they will humilate you...be devoted to Islam and they will respect and fear you.
Al Hajib Al Mansour didn't compormise....honor is more important than peace.