05-30-2003, 12:27 PM
This might be shocking to some, but it's been reported on in pieces by the mainstream media. It appears as if the United States is in charge of an Iranian terrorist group. To go a little further, a New York Times columnist thinks the Bush Administration should use evidence from this U.S. defined terror organization as showing that Iran is enriching uranium for nuclear weapons.
I have to hand it the administration, they have become so accustomed to being unchallenged in the corporate media that they feel they can get away with anything. Nothing would surprise me at this point.
Now I'm not saying that Iran is not developing Nuclear weapons. In my uneducated opinion, who would blame them if they did? They just watched their neighbor and fellow "axis of evil" companion be destroyed even though Iraq claimed it had destroyed all their WMD. The pre and post war inspections have not found 1 milligram of evidence. My wife could testify that the gas coming out of my butt is more deadly then anything they have found in Iraq.
In addition, after the Bush Administration [u:7df6dd8164]lied[/u:7df6dd8164] (http://www.takebackthemedia.com/com-%20hans.html), used [u:7df6dd8164]forged documents[/u:7df6dd8164], and intelligence that the [u:7df6dd8164]UN inspectors called "garbage"[/u:7df6dd8164] (http://www.independent-media.tv/item.cfm?f...esc=Bush%20Lies) to convince the American public that we had to attack Iraq NOW, they would have to be insane to take the advice of NY Times columnist Stolberg. You don't think that the Bush League would use evidence from a U.S. defined terrorist organization, who wants to overthrow the Iranian government, who had backing from Sadaam Hussein, as a reliable source of evidence?
Sure, why not.
Just a quick note of apparently unimportant information. Iran has the worlds [u:7df6dd8164]5th largest reserves of oil[/u:7df6dd8164] (http://www.infoplease.com/ipa/A0872964.html), and the Israeli Government has [u:7df6dd8164]stated[/u:7df6dd8164] (http://www.swissinfo.org/sen/Swissinfo.htm...143&sid=1793480), that the U.S. should go after Iran and Syria after Iraq. Economic domination (read:Oil) and "reshaping" the Middle East, are also stated goals of [u:7df6dd8164]The Project for a New American Century[/u:7df6dd8164] (http://www.newamericancentury.org/statemen...fprinciples.htm). [/color:7df6dd8164]