Quote: our enemy (our common enemy sister lightuponlight) is not stupid to call us for kufr at once....step by step.....starting for example with less respect to our beloved prophet.....his sunnah is nothing...he was just a spokesman for God as u said...and so on....and then come the next step....
in a side note did anyone notice that our resident anti sunnah (light & the topic starter) don't use the word prophet?? just say "Mohammed".......i bet they call their manager at work "sir" or "mr" or even your Majesty.lol.....but its so much for <i>Mohammed</i> to be called a prophet.
حسبنا الله و نعم الوكيل
Jazakum Allah khairan for this comment Qutuz, I already mentioned that they never say salla Allah a`alyhee wa sallam.
hasbuna Allah wa ne`amlwakeel