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Gift of Taraweeh

The Twenty First Taraaweeh

The entire 25th para is recited in this Taraaweeh.Allaah makes it clear that He is the only One Who knows when

Qiyaamah will take place. Allaah then speaks of man’s ingratitude

when He says, “When We favour man, he is averse and turns

away. But when hardship afflicts him, he becomes one of

vast prayers.” [verse 51, Surah HaaMeem Sajdah]

Those who doubt the advent of Qiyaamah should bear in mind

that Allaah has the might to do as He pleases. Surah Shura

begins after Surah HaaMeem Sajdah and Allaah tells the

Mushrikeen that there is nothing astonishing about the fact that

He teaches His book to the Ambiya (A.S) via revelation. Allaah

adds that the sins of the Mushrikeen are so grave that it would be

no wonder if the severity of these sins should cause the sky to

come crashing down on them. They are also warned that their

abode shall be Jahannam where there will be none to assist


Allaah instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to tell

the people, “Say, ‘I ask of you no recompense (for my

preaching), save for the love between relatives.” [verse 23]

This obligatory love demands that the kuffaar at least refrain

from harming Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). Allaah

will ensure that people are rewarded in full for their good deeds.

In verse 43 Allaah lauds the persevering people when He says,

“Whoever will exercise patience and pardon, that will

certainly be of the most resolute matters.”

Allaah says further that it is inappropriate that He speaks directly

to any human being. Allaah says, “It is only appropriate for a

human that Allaah speaks to him by means of inspiration,

or from behind a veil, or that He sends a messenger who

conveys the revelation by Allaah’s command, as He

pleases. Verily Allaah is Exalted, the Wise.” [verse 51]

Surah Zukhruf begins after Surah Shura. Allaah tells the

Mushrikeen that they should not fool themselves by thinking that

revelation of the Qur'aan will cease because of their disobedience

and sins. Allaah has never stopped sending Ambiya (A.S) or

revelation on account of the kuffaar’s evil. On the contrary, Allaah

kept sending Ambiya (A.S) with revelation, as a result of which

the evil of the kuffaar was crushed.


Allaah also stresses that He has no children and that none has

the ability to intercede on behalf of those who have gone astray.

Surah Dukhaan follows Surah Zukhruf as the 44th Surah of the

Qur'aan. Allaah states, “We have revealed it (the Qur'aan) on a

blessed night. Verily We are the Warners. The decision of

every matter of wisdom is passed on this night as a

command proceeding from Us.” [verses 3, 4, 5]

Listening and reciting the Qur'aan draws Allaah’s mercy on

condition that a person has perfect conviction. Everything is

within Allaah’s kingdom and He alone gives life and death. When

punishment overtakes people because of their sins, they cry out

to Allaah saying, “O our Rabb! Remove this punishment from

us and we will surely believe.” [verse 12] However, when

Allaah removes the punishment they do not take heed but revert

to their former ways of disbelief. However, the Hereafter shall

certainly arrive when they will be cast into Jahannam where “the

tree of Zaqqoom shall be food for the sinful.” [verse 43/4]

Surah Dukhaan is followed by Surah Jaathiya where Allaah

mentions many signs of His might. Amongst these are the

creation of man, the creation of the animals, the alternation of

night and day, the flourishing of dead ground after rains, the

turning of the winds and the sailing of the ships. All these

phenomena are for man’s benefit and will teach him about

Allaah’s greatness if he takes the time to reflect.

The last two verses of the Surah declare: “Allaah praise is for

Allaah, the Rabb of the heavens and the earth; the Rabb of

the universe. To Him belongs all majesty in the heavens

and the earth; and He is the Mighty, the Wise.” [verses


May Allaah grant us the ability to recognise His might and may

He bless us with the wealth of conviction.


The Twenty Second Taraaweeh

The 26th para is recited in this Taraaweeh.

This para commences with Surah Ahqaaf, wherein Allaah states

that He has created the universe for a stipulated period of time

only. The system of the universe functions according to Allaah’s

perfect plan, yet the kuffaar still adamantly oppose the truth.

Allaah commands man to treat his parents kindly, reminding him

that his mother bore him with hardship and delivered him with

hardship. When this man grows up to be righteous he will express

gratitude to Allaah, whereupon Allaah will accept his deeds and

forgive him for his shortcomings. However, Allaah will punish

those who oppose their parents and disobey them.

Thereafter, Allaah makes mention of the time when a group of

the Jinn listened to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)

reciting the Qur'aan and then conveyed the message to their


Surah Muhammed begins after Surah Ahqaaf. Allaah says that

the deeds of people will be destroyed when, apart from adhering

to kufr, they also enjoin others to do the same. Allaah will also

forgive the sins of those who possess Imaan and practise on the

guidance given to them. In addition to this Allaah will also correct

their deeds.

Allaah also commands the Muslims to wage jihaad till the enemy

surrenders. Those people who are averse towards jihaad after

Imaan and guidance has come to them, then such people have

definitely fallen prey to Shaytaan because Shaytaan makes evil

deeds seem appealing and makes people entertain hopes of long

lives. Eventually, the deeds of such people are destroyed. Allaah

also tells people to ponder about the verses of the Qur'aan

because this will illuminate their hearts and their minds.

Surah Fatah follows Surah Muhammed (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam).

In this Surah, Allaah speaks about the Treaty of

Hudaybiyyah which turned out to be a tremendous victory for the

Muslims. Allaah says in verse 10, “Verily those who pledge

allegiance to you [Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)]

have actually pledged allegiance to Allaah. Allaah’s hand is above


theirs.” Allaah adds that those who violate their pledge and turn

away from jihaad become deserving of a terrible punishment.

Allaah declares in the final verse of this Surah, “Muhammed

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) is Allaah’s messenger and those

with him are hard on the disbelievers, yet compassionate towards

each other.” [verse 29]

Surah Hujuraat, which follows Surah Fatah, contains teachings

that are pertinent to good character. The Surah teaches Muslims

the etiquette of social interaction and good manners. The Surah

specially emphasises the refinement of manners to be displayed

when in the presence of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)

and near his rooms. In fact, failure to observe etiquette

in Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)’s presence may

lead to one’s deeds being rejected. The Surah highlights the

importance of cordial and amicable behaviour towards each other

and equates backbiting to eating the flesh of a brother’s corpse.

The next Surah to follow is Surah Qaaf, wherein man is told that

Allaah is closer to him than his own jugular vein. Allaah also

reminds man that two angels have been appointed to record the

deeds of every person. These records will be subjected to scrutiny

on the Day of Qiyaamah.

Surah Dhaariyaat begins thereafter. Allaah tells man that

Qiyaamah is inevitable and that every person will receive the

recompense due to him/her for every good and evil deed

committed. The evil ones will suffer punishment while the

righteous Mu'mineen will enjoy the bounties of Jannah.

Allaah describes the people of Imaan as those who sleep very

little, who awaken during the early hours of the morning to

beseech Allaah for forgiveness, and who spend their wealth to

assist those who ask of them as well as those who do not ask.

The incidents of certain Ambiya (A.S) are then mentioned briefly.


The Twenty Third Taraaweeh

he 27th para is recited in this Taraaweeh.

The para opens with the incident of Hadhrat Ibraheem (A.S),

when some angels visited him in the guise of humans and

informed him of the imminent birth of his son Hadhrat Is'haaq

(A.S). When he asked them what their mission was, they replied

that they were out to rain a shower of stones upon the nation of

Hadhrat Loot (A.S). They were therefore sent to punish these


Allaah then relates the incidents of Hadhrat Moosa (A.S), the

Aad, the Thamud and the nation of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S). The

Surah expounds Allaah’s greatness, establishes Tauheed and

Risaalah and then describes the purpose of man’s creation in the

following words: “I have only created man and jinn to

worship Me.” [verse 56] Allaah stresses that He sustains all and

does not require sustenance from anyone.

Surah Toor commences next wherein Allaah warns the rejecters

of the Day of Qiyaamah that the day will be so severe that the

heavens and the earth will tremble and mountains will fly about

like cotton-wool. The kuffaar will be shoved into Jahannam and

the punishment will be severe for those who falsify the truth. It is

only foolish people who will harass a messenger who only wishes

well for them. Those who reject the truth are really evil in nature.

Allaah urges Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to be

patient and assures him that he will certainly be assisted.

Surah Najm thereafter makes mention of the miraculous journey

of Mi’raaj. Allaah says that Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)

has neither gone astray nor erred and that he drew so

close to Allaah that there scarcely remained the distance between

two ends of a bow between them. Allaah makes it clear that

Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)’s eyes did not deceive

him and that he saw everything clearly. Allaah then spoke certain

things to Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) which no

third being has any knowledge of.

Allaah tells people that that they should never doubt the words of

Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) (especially on the

occasion of Mi’raaj) because “he does not speak of his own


will. Everything he says is revelation that descends to

him.” [verse 4]

In Surah Qamar thereafter, Allaah speaks about Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)’s miracle of splitting the moon; a

miracle that foretold the eventual defeat of the kuffaar. Allaah

says that the kuffaar are unlikely to mend their ways because

they refer to the miracles of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)

as magic. However, the time is nigh when they will hang

their heads in remorse and flee from the truth.

Surah Rahmaan follows Surah Qamar as the 55th Surah of the

Qur'aan. In this Surah, Allaah enumerates a large number of

bounties that He has bestowed on man. Throughout the Surah

Allaah repeatedly asks, “Which bounty of your Rabb will you

deny?” Amongst the other bounties, Allaah speaks of man’s

creation, the knowledge Allaah granted man, and the creation of

everything else that is of use to man. By identifying all these

bounties, man is introduced to Allaah. The Surah also describes

the Hereafter and highlights the fact that everything besides

Allaah is perishable. Allaah asserts, “Everything on earth shall

perish but the countenance of your Majestic and

Benevolent Rabb shall remain.” [verse 27]

Surah Waaqi’ah describes the advent of Qiyaamah, illustrating

that the records of righteous people’s deeds will be given in their

right hands, while those of the kuffaar and sinners will be given

in their left hands from behind their backs. The Surah states that

the diet of the people of Jahannam shall be a poisonous tree and

scalding water. Allaah terminates the Surah by drawing man’s

attention to the fact that the Qur'aan is great blessing of Allaah,

which has an elevated position in the Lawhul Mahfoodh (The

Protected Tablet) in the heavens.

Surah Hadeed follows Surah Waaqi’ah by stating that every

creation glorifies Allaah. Allaah exhorts Muslims to spend in His

way, which is regarded as a loan yielding a minimum of ten times

the reward. Pious people neither become despondent when

afflicted with adversities nor do they behave boastfully and

arrogantly when enjoying prosperity. According to their deeds,these are the ones who will attain the status of Siddeeq and

Shaheed. Allaah also tells the Ahlul Kitaab that Allaah bestows

His grace and favour upon whomsoever He wills.


The Twenty Fourth Taraaweeh

The 28th para is recited in this Taraaweeh.

Surah Mujaadala begins this para. Allaah states that it is foolish

for any person to refer to his wife as his mother (as a method of

separating from her). If a man does this, it will be haraam for

him to cohabit with his wife till he pays the required Kaffaara.

The Kaffaara is that he frees a slave (male or female), fasts for

two consecutive months or feeds sixty poor people.

Thereafter, Allaah teaches the etiquette of gatherings and warns

people against hosting secret meetings to plot against

Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) or to commit other

sins. Allaah says that such meetings are amongst the acts of


In Surah Hashar thereafter, Allaah states that the true Mu'mineen

are those people who assist the Muslims who migrate for Allaah

and His Prophet (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). They are people

who do not straiten their hearts despite living in straitened

circumstances. Rather, they give preference to others above

themselves. The Munafiqeen are completely different because

they display the traits of Shaytaan. They encourage people to

perpetrate evil deeds and then excuse themselves saying that

they have nothing to do with these people. Allaah urges people to

take heed to the advice of the Qur'aan, which is so mighty that it

can crush mountains under its weight.

Surah Mumtahina begins after Surah Hashar. Allaah tells the

Mu'mineen in this Surah that they should terminate all secretive

contact with the kuffaar after migrating to Madinah. The kuffaar

are enemies to the Muslims and will never be their allies. A

Muslim can never trust a kaafir because the ambition of the kaafir

is to convert the Muslim into a kaafir like himself/herself. Allaah


also states that the faith of a woman should be tested when she

migrates to the Muslims. If she is found to be sincere, she should

be allowed to remain amongst the Muslims.

Addressing the Mu'mineen in Surah Saff, Allaah admonishes them

for claiming to do such things that they have not done. This is an

extremely serious crime in Allaah’s sight. Allaah loves those

Mu'mineen who stand together like a fortified wall when facing

the enemy in jihaad. Allaah then quotes Hadhrat Isa (A.S) who

prophesised the advent of Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)

to the Bani Israa'eel; referring to Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) as “Ahmed”. Allaah terminates the

Surah by assuring the Mu'mineen that the kuffaar will never be

able to extinguish Allaah’s light and that He will definitely grant

them victory over their enemies.

In Surah Jumu’ah, Allaah explicitly states, “O you who believe!

When you are called for salaah on the day of Jumu’ah

(Friday) then hasten towards Allaah’s remembrance and

leave all trade. This is best for you if you only knew. So

when the salaah has been completed then spread out on

earth and seek from Allaah’s bounty (sustenance) and

remember Allaah in abundance so that you may succeed.”

[verses 9 and 10] The concluding verse of the Surah states:

“Allaah is the Best Sustainer”.

Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) in

Surah Munafiqoon, warning him to beware of them. Allaah says

that the words and deeds of the Munafiqeen contradict their

thoughts and feelings. They falsely take solemn oaths in Allaah’s

name whereas they are devoid of Imaan.

In Surah Taghaabun Allaah states that only He created everyone.

Allaah made some people kuffaar and made others Mu'mineen

with wealth and children as tests for them. Allaah will forgive

those people who are rightly guided.

Allaah mentions in Surah Talaaq that husbands should only

divorce their wives while the wives are not menstruating. The

Iddah should be meticulously observed and it will be regarded as

an act of immorality if a woman has to emerge from her home

during the Iddah. The Iddah of a non-menstruating divorcee is

three months, while the Iddah of a pregnant divorcee will

terminate as soon as she delivers. The husband will have to

maintain his pregnant wife after the divorce until she delivers his


Addressing Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) in Surah

Tahreem, Allaah tells him not to forsake Allaah’s bounties for the

sake of his wives. Allaah also tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-

wa-sallam) that he should pay the Kaffaara to be absolved

from his vow. Allaah cautions that any person who wishes to

oppose Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) will have to

face the resistance of Allaah, Hadhrat Jibra'eel (A.S) and all the

pious Muslims at large.


The Twenty Fifth Taraaweeh

The 29th para is recited in this Taraaweeh.

Allaah says in Surah Mulk that there is none to replace the

innumerable bounties of His if He should ever snatch them away

from people. People should therefore trust in Allaah only because

He has created both life and death and only He controls them.

Surah Qalam makes it clear that the character of Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) is the highest in calibre. Allaah

also instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to

exercise patience and not to supplicate to Allaah in anger, as

Hadhrat Yunus (A.S) did. The Surah also warns the kuffaar about

the punishment they stand to face in this world as well as in the



A startling description of Qiyaamah is given in Surah Haaqa,

where Allaah also speaks of the punishment that the kuffaar will

receive and the rewards that will accrue to the pious. Allaah

concludes the Surah by stating that the Qur'aan is definitely a

revelation from Allaah and neither a composition of a poet nor

the ramblings of a fortune-teller.

In Surah Ma’aarij Allaah says that man is a weak creature who

becomes perplexed when facing any adversity and miserly when

enjoying good fortune. Allaah warns all miserly people who hoard

their wealth that they should beware of the terrible fire of

Jahannam which will strip off their skins.

Surah Nooh recounts the story of Hadhrat Nooh (A.S) who

tirelessly preached to his people for a long time. However, the

wretched people refused to accept his message and relentlessly

opposed him. Constrained by their incorrigible attitude, Hadhrat

Nooh (A.S) eventually prayed to Allaah to destroy them. As a

result of this they were drowned in a deluge which only spared

the faithful ones with Hadhrat Nooh (A.S) in the ark.

Surah Jinn speaks of the praises that some Jinn lauded about the

Qur'aan when they heard Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wasallam)

reciting it. They believed in the Qur'aan and attested to

Allaah’s oneness. The Surah also makes it clear that only Allaah

possesses knowledge of the unseen. Of course, Allaah does

impart a bit of this knowledge to His Ambiya (A.S) by means of

divine revelation.

In Surah Muddathir, Allaah addresses Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-

wa-sallam) as the one who is shrouded in a blanket. Allaah

commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to

propagate Islam and to hymn the praises of Allaah’s glory and

grandeur. Allaah also commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa-

sallam) to abstain from all impurities and to behave kindly

towards people without expecting anything in return. As in many

previous Surahs, Allaah urges Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa-

sallam) to patiently endure the harassment of the kuffaar

without retaliation. The Surah also stresses that the Qur'aan is a

book of guidance that will benefit those people whom Allaah leads

aright.With a different word, Allaah again addresses Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) as one shrouded in a blanket.

Allaah commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to

stand in salaah for half the night or less, and to recite the

Qur'aan in slow measured tones. Worshipping Allaah during the

night is an effective means of purifying the soul and readily

accepted by Allaah. Allaah also encourages zakaah and spending

in charity because any good deed will be of tremendous benefit in

the Hereafter.

In Surah Qiyaamah Allaah instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-

wa-sallam) that he should not exert himself to

immediately repeat the words of revelation when it is revealed to

him. He was to listen attentively, whereafter Allaah would ensure

that he remembered everything.

Allaah says in Surah Dahar that He instilled the capacity to

discern between right and wrong in every person. Man therefore

has the choice to either be grateful to Allaah or ungrateful.

However, the ungrateful will have to suffer punishment for their

ingratitude while the grateful will be immensely rewarded with

the eternal bliss of Jannah. Allaah lauds the Mu'mineen who,

despite their own need, assist the needy without expecting

remuneration or even a word of thanks in return.

The para concludes with Surah Mursalaat, which confirms that

Qiyaamah will definitely take place. It will be a day when Allaah’s

judgement will be decisive and binding. Whoever wishes to be

obedient shall be such. On the other hand, those people whose

evil deeds have surrounded them shall remain rebellious and will

have to face the punishment for their deeds.


The Twenty Sixth Taraaweeh

More than half of the 30th para will be recited in this Taraaweeh (i.e. till

Surah Qadr, the 97th Surah of the Qur'aan).


In Surah Naba (Surah Amma), Allaah says that the punishment

of Jahannam has been prepared for those people who deny the

truth of Islam. When the trumpet is sounded for the Day of

Qiyaamah, the skies will be divided into many roads through

which people will pass in droves towards the Plain of

Resurrection. The deeds of every person will be disclosed and

Allaah will decide what punishment or rewards every person will


Surah Naazi’aat follows Surah Naba with the message that people

will regard their lives in this world to be a mere morning or

evening when they face the torturously long Day of Qiyaamah.

The severity of the Day of Qiyaamah will cause people’s heart to

tremble. They will recall their deeds of this world and will regret

whatever they did because Jahannam will be shown to them.

In the subsequent Surahs Allaah tells Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-

wa-sallam) that people with affluence and authority are

beguiled by what they have and therefore have a diminished

capacity for accepting good counsel. On the other hand, poor

people tend to accept more readily. Therefore, devote more

attention to those who have more fear for Allaah so that they

may attain spiritual purity.

When Qiyaamah will take place, none shall be of assistance to

another; even though they may be brothers, parents, children or

spouses. Every person will be too concerned about his own

predicament to be worried about another. The faces of the

Mu'mineen and the pious will be resplendent on that day while

the faces of the kuffaar and sinners will be darkened.

Allaah points out to people that they will have to tread the

straight path to be saved from the anguish and suffering of the

Day of Qiyaamah. On the Day of Qiyaamah the sky will be rent

asunder, bodies will rise from their graves, the stars will plummet

down and the oceans will be ablaze. Every person will be

confronted by his deeds on the Plain of Resurrection when none

will want to know another.

In Surah Mutaffifeen Allaah condemns those who cheat when

weighing and measuring, and warns them of a terrible punishment. Allaah cautions mankind to beware of the day when

they will all rise from their graves and stand before Allaah to

account for every deed. On that day it will be the Mu'mineen who

will have a turn to laugh at the kuffaar who scoffed at them in

this world.

The sky will be cleaved open when the trumpet is sounded and

corpses will be flung from their graves. Whereas the pious shall

be quickly relieved of the formalities of the Day of Qiyaamah, the

sinful ones will be flung into the fire of Jahannam. These were the

very people who thought that they will never be returned to


Allaah says further that those who harass believing men and

women without repenting afterwards shall suffer a terrible

torment in the Hereafter. Allaah also mentions that the Qur'aan is

a lofty book that is preserved in the Lawhul Mahfoodh. The

Qur'aan distinguishes between right and wrong and those who

still adamantly adhere to the wrong shall be only granted a little


Allaah commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to

glorify His praises and assures him that he will never forget the

Qur'aan. Allaah further instructs Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhiwa-

sallam) to continue propagating the Deen for Allaah shall

open up avenues of ease for him. Allaah urges people to ponder

over Allaah’s creation so that they may recognise Him. Allaah

says, “Have they not looked how the camel is created? And

how the sky has been elevated? And how the mountains

have been rooted? And how the earth has been levelled?”

[surah Ghaashiya, verses 17 to 20]

All these signs are for people to take heed before they are taken

to task on the Day of Qiyaamah. Allaah admonishes man for his

excessive preoccupation in material wealth because it leads him

to abuse inheritance and refuse help to the poor and orphans.

However, Allaah has granted man the capacity to do good and

refrain from evil. Therefore, whoever purifies his soul will be

successful, while those who are negligent thereof will be at a

permanent loss.Allaah advises people to spend their wealth only for His pleasure

and for no other motives. None should be proud about being able

to do good because only Allaah grants people the ability to lend a

helping hand to the needy. Allaah assures Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) that Allaah will soon confer on him

a bounty that will please him and that he should never feel that

Allaah has forsaken him because Allaah has always been there for

him. Allaah has illuminated his heart, alleviated his worries and

elevated his name. Allaah consoles Rasululllaah (sallAllaahualayhi-

wa-sallam) [as well as all Muslims at large] that ease

always follows hardship. Therefore, a person’s attention should

always focus on Allaah.


The Twenty Seventh Taraaweeh

The recitation of the Qur'aan is completed in this Taraaweeh, which

commences from Surah Bayyinah (the 98th Surah of the Qur'aan).

Allaah is pleased with the righteous and they are pleased with

Him because they are the best of Allaah’s creation. As for the

evildoers, they are the worst of Allaah’s creation. On the Day of

Qiyaamah, Allaah will be so just that even a good deed the size

of an atom will be rewarded and a sin just as small will also not

pass unnoticed.

Allaah says that man acknowledges that he has an ungrateful

nature, but his intense love for wealth does not permit him to

mend his ways. Allaah pleads with mankind to be mindful of the

Day of Qiyaamah because they can never fathom the flaming

inferno of Jahannam. Man is reminded that he will have to answer

for the wealth that he possesses, which makes him negligent of

his duties in this world. Besides the righteous Mu'mineen, the rest

of mankind is at a loss.

Allaah warns man that every tale-carrier and miser is destined for

Jahannam. In Surah Feel, Allaah illustrates how He used little

birds with pebbles to destroy the army of elephants that Abrahaa

brought to demolish the Kaa'ba. In the next Surah, Allaah tells the Quraish that they should worship Him only because it was

Him who made their city a sanctuary of peace.

In Surah Maa’oon, Allaah condemns those who rebuke orphans

and the poor, who are vain and miserly. These are the ones who

remain negligent of the salaah. Allaah consoles Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) by telling him not to let the taunts

of the kuffaar affect him because it will be the very same wretch

who will be without progeny and nameless in history. Allaah

urges Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to continue

performing salaah and offering sacrifices because Allaah shall

soon award him with the pond of Kawthar as a gift in the


In Surah Kaafiroon, Allaah clearly distinguishes between the

Mu'mineen and the kuffaar so that none is confused for the other.

Allaah makes mention of the culmination of Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam)’s mission in Surah Nasr and

commands Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) to engage

in excessive glorification and praise of Allaah. Surah Lahab curses

Abu Lahab and his wife because the couple harmed Rasululllaah

(sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam) immensely. Surah Ikhlaas

declares, “Say, ‘He is Allaah, the One. Allaah is

Independent. He is neither the child of anyone nor has He

any children. There is none comparable to Him.”

Surah Falaq is an invocation to Allaah for His protection and

makes reference to the witchcraft that was intended to harm

Rasululllaah (sallAllaahu-alayhi-wa-sallam). Finally, Surah Naas

invokes Allaah’s protection against Shaytaan’s instigation and



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