Quote:hmm david hicks... i kinda have to ask wth was he doing there to begin with, if you engage in combat against another military, then the potential for capture is quite high, trying him as a non combatant though is wrong.
hmm.. not much i can say to that.. agree on it.. maybe we both see the inconsistancy there?
Quote:in ur post though you seem to be saying as long as ur muslim you can incite hate, which is what he was doing in a non-muslim country.
not at all.. right is right. wrong is wrong.. i DO think they are being victimised and 'picked on' by forces in the west.. (hey maybe the same thing happens in reverse there?) the same western forces that treat us (thier subjects) as slaves.. ergo our imperialist masters (who have subjugated us) now seek to subjugate them.. (insert american one dollar bill symbolist rant here)
Quote:its kinda screwed up that countries are bound by UN conventions to take refugees, but there is those (and i admit there a VERY small number) who come out here for the comfort and peace, yet hate us all and want us all to die :/
well yeh.. i'd like to smack them all upside the head.. if i went to another country and spoke like that i'd expect to be smacked upside the head?
Quote:if they want to incite speeches like that why the hell are they living in western countries?
a humdinger of a question.. looking at my own situation, i was born here in australia so i seem to have some of those values imprinted on me, aside from the small parts where i can think for myself i am part of this culture, part of the problem etc.. i would imagine if i was to relocate overseas i would not change overnight.. if i was unable to accept the new land i would go back home..
it's like a richy moving into a low-income suburb then suddenly leaning over the neighbours fence and complaining.. of course there's going to be broken windows and eggs thrown that night.. i would go back to where i came from rather than try to swim upstream.. having said this if i was to move into a suburb where raping kids was the norm i would also go back home.. you can't swim upstream.. you can't be different.. (you can't change the system) << :rant:
having a thing like free speech and then prosecuting this young muslim man displays this for all to see.. i know this was england and NOT USA (home of free speech) but i hope you know what i mean.. ;)
Quote:not trying to do anthing but point out a hypocracy, if alittle contoversally, but would you say i am incorrect in my opinion?
no. just tricky. (you use the word controversial) it's too tricky to reply to? i will re-read it and reply when i'm in a better frame of mind (a bit peeved right now due to unrelated incident hehe)
-- it's not just muslim folks, if a single joo complains about the xmas school nativity pagent the school shuts down the whole thing.. joo's want automated crossing systems at roads because apparently it's a sin to do 'work' on the sabbath (how do they eat if they can't open the fridge that day? how do they flush their toilet that day if pressing a button is work?)
this topic is TRICKY!
Quote:but is there anything to suggest he was joking?
no.. but if he WAS serious he'd be back at home making chlorine bombs, not venting.. while i have no absolute proof to back that up i hope you see what i mean, this is the problem i have with it >> when is the actual crime commited? are you not even able to SPEAK of such things..? if so there will be a day soon when you will be prosecuted for merely *thinking* such things.. fine.. he rants.. put him under surveillance like so many others..?
Quote:have we ever been at an emotionally charged religeous demonstration saying bomb bomb?
i won't say on the internet what i was refering to ;)
Quote:the law rarley makes any distinction
the punishment should fit the crime :thumb:
somebody once said 'If a man look on a woman with lust in his heart, he has already sinned' -- so maybe the guy has transgressed by doing what he did.. but the same person also said 'let he who is without sin cast the first stone' and those who prosecute him are filthy with sin.. i know we need law and people to uphold the law (cops etc) but i think it's not good..loosely i could draw reference to saddam here - at one point good old USA is buddies with him, when it suits goold old USA, saddam suddenly becomes persona non grata..
i have no faith in the rulers.. they play games with lives.. many politicians of late have made hate-mongering words, yet they go unpunished..? why make a martyr of this guy, who is imho plainly just venting steam??