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The Instruction

This instruction to you is not another version, it is The Truth. Understand this: No one can go wrong in the purity of worshiping God in spirit and truth, That is the first and last way to worship God. Do not take the prophets and servants of “The God” as God with God or besides God. There is no God but “The God”. There is no trinity of “gods” that comprise His nature and there is no reason to violate His command: “The Lord God is One” Once again it is clear that God has commanded one way and for man to change the Pure way results in perversity. The term baptize in the name of The Father, The Son and The Holy Spirit are no more an indication of three in one as is the term On earth as it is in Heaven is an indication of a two in one relation. The word “Father” means creator, the word “Son” means servant and the words “Holy Spirit” mean the pure essence that proceeds from God that unifies the will of the creator with his servant. This is how God becomes “Father” in term and This is how servant becomes “Son” in term. In regards to Jesus The Christ however the term “Son” happens because of the pure essence that proceeded from God to cause him to “be”. It is the unification of the Will of God with the will of His Servant by the power of Gods divine grace and mercy that communion is achieved.

This is the instruction: Communion with God is not achieved by the vain denial of things called worldly. So many so-called religious teachers are creating so much false righteousness. You are not righteous because you don’t take drugs, smoke cigarettes, drink alcohol, play cards, go dancing or any other so-called worldly recreation. In-fact these things are no more worldly than not doing them. There are some who treat there wives as mothers or worse, as dogs are they righteous? Of course not. Your Worship of God and Your godly relationship with others is the criteria for righteousness. These false teachers tell you to abstain from this and that and in-fact you should only abstain from your dis-belief and whatever else the Witness relates to you as forbidden.

There are some religions that drink blood or use blood for rituals and they sacrifice some animals for such and such reasons but this is forbidden to you these are the false religions of Satan. God has revealed to man with ritual many practical things like how to properly slaughter and cook an animal for food, how to clean and bathe oneself, how to build ships and palaces and even how to read.

All the rituals of God have been geared to educate man. For, there is nothing truly that a man can do or not do, that can take away from or add to the Kingdom of God. God is All-sufficient in Himself.

The Atheist think they can escape the truth,

Say: Think about it, you sit there with your vast knowledge (not kidding) and you go around using your God given creativity and talents and then you enjoy all the benefit of being human and then arrogantly you deny your Ultimate Creator. The truth is you can't even stop something as insignificant as a mosquito from biting you, and in some cases killing you.

Say: You see how God uses parables to make things clear. You should be thankful but how can you be thankful and who can you be thankful to? If there is no God, then there is no one to be grateful to. There is no god but God! You are sitting there breathing not knowing which breath will be your last and after that last breath you assume it will be all over but don’t you know that the Resurrection is True and you will face the judgement? Yes, In the end you will be helpless to thwart off the truth or deny it. Yes, you will be just as helpless as you are now against a tiny mosquito.

When I speak of Hell to someone, I talk about it to terrify them, to make them cringe at such an evil place and change their arrogance into humility and this is why I speak of Hell. Is it a real place? Yes! But I don't speak of it to condemn anyone to it, I speak of it to drive them from that direction, that is what the word “repent” means, it means to turn back.

This is the instruction: It is predetermined who will go to Heaven and who will go to Hell. Now, what does that mean when I say it is already determined in-fact “predetermined” Is this life about destiny? Is this life about fate? Is that what I am saying to you? Let’s examine this and see what is the conclusion. What is the most efficient way for life to proceed? The most efficient way for any purpose to be reached is to establish in advance the solution, and cut off or decide any alternate route for the purpose to be reached to be an act that is out-law. In other words, God has solved and we must resolve through the exercise of choice in making a firm decision and cutting off any alternate route other than the Will of God, this is the ultimate bliss and most efficient way. This is the Honest way, when you go off course of what you purpose(meaning good purposes) you are out of the Will of God from that moment and at that moment you are lost in the desert. The most efficient way then is to turn back(repent) and get on purpose.

You see, there is no “free” will outside the will of God, as it will have an expense, so it would be accurate to say that, “we exercise choice”. It is vital that a person restrain their selection to the God given choices. Let’s go back to the garden and see things a little more clearly. God gave the man and woman a wide selection of fruits with no consequences and a single restriction of “not exercising their ability to exercise a choice that was restricted”. Now Satan called the fruit a choice piece of fruit so in other words a “perfect choice” he said could be made. This choice would cause one to die which means to give. Satan said, “You will not die but become like God knowing good and evil.” The fact is when they disobeyed they did in fact die which means to give, and what they gave up was their piety and that was all they possessed that they could give away so they became naked and ashamed, but God Almighty who is most merciful forgave them and saved them from waste which means to become empty. So, instead of wasting them they were put out into a wasteland or an empty space. This is most efficient to show what you almost lost on the inside with what you can see on the outside. If they had been in a wasteland to begin with, they would have not known forgiveness, nor would they appreciate paradise.

This is the instruction: God gave man the ability to freely choose out of the selection given to him and man used this handy tool to acquire the capability(which means “to take”) to choose outside the provided selection. In other words, God did not give man free choice to obey or disobey. Man took his God given ability and missed the point(sinned).

God historically works the same continuous way. One seed eventually becomes the whole tree. You must grow through the correct sequence if you try to go around the proper sequence you will miss the point(sin).

Do not go out of sequence and do not miss the point. You must worship God first and foremost. They say, “We have a secret, follow us and we will tell it to you and you will have good health, wealth and knowledge. “ They say “Think Positive, follow the spiritual laws of the universe”. They say all these things but what they really are saying is break sequence. I am saying “I don’t have a secret, God is Real! Think about God, follow God!”



Quote:This instruction to you is not another version, it is The Truth. Understand this: No one can go wrong in the purity of worshiping God in spirit and truth, That is the first and last way to worship God. Do not take the prophets and servants of “The God” as God with God or besides God.

Am just curious, since we are on Islamic board.. who told you that we (Muslims) take the Prophets of God as God or besides God ?





Am just curious, since we are on Islamic board.. who told you that we (Muslims) take the Prophets of God as God or besides God ?



Sometimes we tend to make our prophets into deities and this must always be guarded against. Is Mohammad better than I am? I will tell you this, if it is a question then I will be the least of all.



Quote:Sometimes we tend to make our prophets into deities and this must always be guarded against. Is Mohammad better than I am? I will tell you this, if it is a question then I will be the least of all.

But you didnt answer the question, is he better than you?

Or let me re phrase, do you belive that Mohamed - prayer and peace be upon him- salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam is the better than any of us?



But you didnt answer the question, is he better than you?

Or let me re phrase, do you belive that Mohamed - prayer and peace be upon him- salla Allah a`lyhee wa sallam is the better than any of us?

Mohammad(pbuh) was no more than a messenger and I am even less than that.


Quote:Mohammad(pbuh) was no more than a messenger and I am even less than that.

No more than messenger? okay Messenger of WHO??

And why was he chosen from amongst all humans??

And are all humans the same??

The true Question is do we worship Prophet Muhammad( Peace be upon him) as we worship Allah ( Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)

No we Don't, he is just a Prophet and Messenger who was chosen by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) amongst all human beings

because of his pure desendant to Father Abraham, and then his high morals, and we do not forget that he was described by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) in The Holy Quran as:

Bismillah Al-RAhman Al-RAheem:

4. And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are on an exalted standard of character.
68, Surat Al-Qalam

This is enough that he was Described by Allah(Subhanahu W Ta'ala) as of high morals.

Bismillah Al-RAhman Al-RAheem:

79. And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salât (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Qur'an in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer Nawâfil) for you (O Muhammad ). <b>It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqâman Mahmûda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!)</b>.
17, Surat Al-Isra'

We do not worship prophet Muhammad or consider him as Ilah, but he is a chosen human being by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) which gives him that importanace we give, and the respect and love we have for him, hoping to be his companions in paradise.

Alhamdulilah for the blessing of Islam, Alhamdulilah for the blessing of Iman.

And as u said u r less than that, then u r not chosen then u r not a messenger of Allah Almighty, then Prophet Muhammad is <b>Better</b> than u and me and all human beings born.



Quote:No more than messenger? okay Messenger of WHO??

And why was he chosen from amongst all humans??

And are all humans the same??

The true Question is do we worship Prophet Muhammad( Peace be upon him) as we worship Allah ( Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala)

No we Don't, he is just a Prophet and Messenger who was chosen by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) amongst all human beings

because of his pure desendant to Father Abraham, and then his high morals, and we do not forget that he was described by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) in The Holy Quran as:

Bismillah Al-RAhman Al-RAheem:

4. And verily, you (O Muhammad ) are on an exalted standard of character.
68, Surat Al-Qalam

This is enough that he was Described by Allah(Subhanahu W Ta'ala) as of high morals.

Bismillah Al-RAhman Al-RAheem:

79. And in some parts of the night (also) offer the Salât (prayer) with it (i.e. recite the Qur'an in the prayer), as an additional prayer (Tahajjud optional prayer Nawâfil) for you (O Muhammad ). <b>It may be that your Lord will raise you to Maqâman Mahmûda (a station of praise and glory, i.e. the highest degree in Paradise!)</b>.
17, Surat Al-Isra'

We do not worship prophet Muhammad or consider him as Ilah, but he is a chosen human being by Allah(Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala) which gives him that importanace we give, and the respect and love we have for him, hoping to be his companions in paradise.

Alhamdulilah for the blessing of Islam, Alhamdulilah for the blessing of Iman.

And as u said u r less than that, then u r not chosen then u r not a messenger of Allah Almighty, then Prophet Muhammad is <b>Better</b> than u and me and all human beings born.


I say I am less than that because I confirm what has come before me, but God has also chosen many messengers before Mohammad and it may be that my Lord will raise me also to a high station, but it belongs to ALLAH to decide my station in this life and in the next.

Now, I am telling you that I am the witness of ALLAH and you are to assist me, the question is are you of those willing to accept guidance or one to turn away from it?

If you worship Mohammad(pbuh) you can never come to me, but if you worship ALLAH then you must obey me, because I have been sent.

Remember when Satan was disobedient and did not bow down to Adam, when asked by ALLAH why he did not bow he said, "I am better than he."

Satan wants to be better than that but those whom God guide are never saying they are "better than that" and most certainly Mohammad(pbuh) never said such a thing. Mohammad was most humble and gracious in-fact he by definition is also Asanas(One made gracious by God) Who is more gracious than Mohammad?

I am a Servant of ALLAH Almighty, who cares about being better than that!



To believe in Allah and Muhammad, The Seal of Prophethood and Messengership, is to disbelieve in all false messengers and prophets after him.

If you are saying that you are either a messenger or a prophet, I say "Woe to you!" You have been decieved by your nafs and/or shaytan. I systematically disbelieve in you and anything that has been "revealed" to you if this is your claim. I seek refuge with Allah from any lies and deception that you bring.

Read ibn Taymiyya's Essay on the jinn and you may get some insight as to what is occurring in your life right now. This is an except that you need to read:

Repent. Ask Allah for Forgiveness. Come back to the Straight Path.



To believe in Allah and Muhammad, The Seal of Prophethood and Messengership, is to disbelieve in all false messengers and prophets after him.

If you are saying that you are either a messenger or a prophet, I say "Woe to you!" You have been decieved by your nafs and/or shaytan. I systematically disbelieve in you and anything that has been "revealed" to you if this is your claim. I seek refuge with Allah from any lies and deception that you bring.

Read ibn Taymiyya's Essay on the jinn and you may get some insight as to what is occurring in your life right now. This is an except that you need to read:

Repent. Ask Allah for Forgiveness. Come back to the Straight Path.

I am not a prophet! I am a witness.

Show me in the Quaran where it says there will be no more witnesses arising.

Show me in the Quaran where it says no one else is coming.

The fact is, you will never show me these things because they are not in the Quaran.

This is in the Quaran:

[14:8] Moses said, "If you disbelieve, along with all the people on earth, GOD is in no need, Praiseworthy."

[14:9] Have you not heard about those before you - the people of Noah, `Aad, Thamoud, and others who came after them and known only to GOD? Their messengers went to them with clear proofs, but they treated them with contempt and said, "We disbelieve in what you are sent with. We are skeptical about your message; full of doubt."

[14:11] Their messengers said to them, "We are no more than humans like you, but GOD blesses whomever He chooses from among His servants. We could not possibly show you any kind of authorization, except in accordance with GOD's will. In GOD the believers shall trust.

[14:12] "Why should we not trust in GOD, when He has guided us in our paths? We will steadfastly persevere in the face of your persecution. In GOD all the trusters shall trust."



"If you worship Mohammad(pbuh) you can never come to me, but if you worship ALLAH then you must obey me, because I have been sent."

If you are to be obeyed then you must have something new from Allah, otherwise we have all that we need.

You say you have something new because you have given it a new name. You have different methods of praying and differing views of the Creator. This is new. If this is not from yourself then it is from God thus you must be a messenger. If it is from you, then I do not want to hear about it. If it is from Allah, then you are a liar.


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