Assalamo alikum
Sister he pronounce the talaq tru cellphone and then the wife called and then she asked him if that is true he said yes...and after two weeks the husband asked the wife to call her again...then he said to his wife that they are husband and wife again.....He gave her wife the time to finish evrything and if she finish all. she have to come back to her husband and stay there and not to go back again to her place.Its been almost three months since the wedding but the only means of their communication is only thru phone after the four days they were together, beside sister the wife is virgin when she got married.
Now she asked the wife if she can go back and be with her he gave a date.the wife said i cannot promise that i cannot be with you on that date,he asked him to give an extension,but the husband pronounce talq again thru phone.
now sister my question is this is the divorce valid? since its only thru cellphone?
he allowed his wife to travel alone without when the wife cannot fulfill the date they agreed he divorce his wife.corect me if iam wong sister for me its unfair to divorce his wife, why he not go to her wife place to see for himself wht is the really situation of her only 1 and half hour travel by plane.
the wife said it doesnt mean that she will not fullfill all the condition,unfortunately circumtances occure its beyond her control,
For me sister Islam is liberating you cannot fulfill the conditions now,then do it later when you can fulfill it.
To my surprise sister her husband is an Alim.he graduated from madina. i aked the wife what is the real reason
her husband has a 1 wife and she is the second wife,one of the reasons that her husband divorce her is that......many people asking her where is your second wife?
why you allowed her to go back to manila?Your known as a strick to your first wife?
Iam still on process of digging the real reason.But for me sister if that is case her husband is unfair correct me if iam wrong please.It just 1 and half travel to be in with his wife, his reason is that...the condition is to left manila and be with him in his place, as the wife said he is not turning her back to whtever the condition is.she is much willing to be with her husband...