09-14-2004, 08:03 PM
Salaam guy's its was only yesterday my wife discover a ta-wees in the front garden buried in the ground. We pass it to my mum who then pass it to a female friend who then approach someone who can understand these things .
It appears this black art was done on me so I fight with my wife and lose my income etc… the person who read this states that it is one of the most powerful ta-wees he has ever read. This person did not ask for any money and the female never give any money.
I don’t believe in these things at all , in fact I only believe in Allah however would it be possible for someone to send me a ta-wees that keeps these bad omens away .
Of course Allah o might is the one who can destroy or keep anything.
Guy’s my fellow sister I have western views on this can you advice me on this or write me a good ta-wees that will protect my family.
I need some advice