Dear All
Man has been endowed with -Intellect- which gives him superiority to
other animals. Human intellect functions, however, within the limits
of Time and Space and is, consequently, capable of handling only that
aspect of man's life which is subject to change, i.e. the physical
aspect of human life. It cannot peep over the boundaries of change
into the supra-physical, or the realm of permanence to which human
Personality belongs. In that realm, things reveal themselves to human
intellect -to Messengers of God- and are not discovered by it.
Revelation is Divine, and Divine Guidance alone provides permanent
values or unalterable fundamental principles, otherwise known as
Divine Precepts,or the way or Practice or Allah Almighty. Law or rules
devised by human intellect need change with the change in time and
space; but permanent values admit of no such change. In the words of
the Holy Quran, There is no changing in the Words of Allah, Quran
chapter 10 verse 64- you will find no change in the way of Allah,
Quran chapter 33 verse 62.
Body and Personality cannot, however, be divided into two mutually
exclusive compartments, nor also can the laws pertaining to the realms
of permanence and change. A combination of permanence and change. A
combination of permanence and change can be achieved if in framing
laws, human intellect keeps itself within the boundaries of eternal
values revealed by God. The laws so framed will be applicable to man
as a whole and satisfy the requirement of both Personality and the
physical body of man.