06-07-2005, 03:52 PM
Assalamulaikum. Below are details of the latest articles to be posted on the Islam vs Kufr website homepage – www.islamvkufr.com. I believe they that are of great interest. Please post back with any comments – Maskoowr wa Jazakallah khayran.
Leo Strauss: The Godfather of Neo-Conservatives
Articles by J. Lobe, S. Drury & J.Steinberg
Deceit, lies, utilizing religious zealots, fabricating enemies and wars to fulfill foreign policy objectives, propagating ‘democracy’ in order to enact Nazi influenced tactics etc. These are just some of the ideas and concepts of the most influential and revered figure in the current Bush administration...
FBI confirms Qur'an Desecration
News May 26. 2005
While the deliberate trivialities of whether the Qur'an was desecrated or not continues, reports leak out that the FBI were receiving complaints from as far back as 2002. In fact the barbaric treatment of the Qur'an is purely symbolic of the inherently vehement hatred towards Islam and the 'War on Terror' i.e.. Islam…....
U.S. Christian Preacher urges Qur'an to be Flushed
News May 24th 2005
U.S. Rev. Creighton Lovelace stands by his decision to post a sign reading ‘the Koran needs to flushed”. Indeed while he will inevitably be forced to ‘apologize’ by the secularists, it clearly highlights the hatred of the kuffar and their true feelings towards Islam.
U.S. Gen. Boykin:
'Allah Is A False Idol & War On
Terror (Islam) Is War On Satan'
News 17/10/2003
U.S. General Boykin, a close ally of George Bush and U.S. Deputy Undersecretary of State of Defence for Intelligence makes clear the U.S. administration's opinion of Islam. By referring to Allah SWT as a 'false idol' and Muslims as representatives of Satan, Boykin is even bold enough to state that George Bush was appointed by 'God'. In the meanwhile the U.S. administration's 'official' line is adamant that the 'War on Terror' is not a 21st century Crusade against Islam...
Our Dead are in Paradise - Yours are in Hell Fire!
2005 U.S. Marine Iraq Report
An incredible report of a battle in Ubaydi between the Mujahideen in Iraq (termed in the article as 'insurgents') and the cowardly Kufr forces. If only these brave Mujahideen were backed by an army to counter the U.S. army...
'Building a Successful Palestinian State'
April 2005 report by R.A.N.D.
An analytical report aimed for the Roadmap Quartet and the Palestinian and Jewish authorities, providing tangible steps towards the Kufr state of Palestine. This two year report addresses the issues of internal security and governance, demographics, economy, water, social, education and health. While it brims with confidence R.A.N.D.'s (U.S.) major flaw is the assumption that the Muslims have now resigned themselves to the acceptance of the illegitimate Jewish state. It was this same arrogance and blindness to the reality that eventually brought the downfall of the Persian and Roman empires.
'Helping a Palestinian State Succeed'
April 2005 report by R.A.N.D.
An elaboration of the above report with further emphasis related to the costs and funds required to establish the U.S. sponsored State. It should be noted that the report mentions several times how the death of Yassir Arafat presents a great opportunity for peace and the removal of corruption. What were we told was the cause of Arafat's death again?