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Evil effect of Taqleed

Assalamu' Alaykum

I was reading ash-Shinqeetee's Tafseer, Adwaa' ul-Bayaan, on Soorat Muhammad. And he, Rahimahullaahu Ta3aalaa, made a good point, that through Taqleed of the 4 Madhhabs it was easier for the Kuffaar to win over followers from the Muslims, into accepting manmade laws, through their ideological warfare. When the Muslims thought of their laws as being the words of some men, who passed away, like the students of the students of the students of Aboo Haneefah, then they didn't think it was a big difference between that and manmade laws (even though there is a difference between the two). The Sharee3ah's awe was removed from their hearts. But if they were practicng the Sharee3ah because of the statements of Allaah and His Messenger, and because of awareness, knowledge and familiarity with the revelation, such a loss would have been much much more difficult to accomplish. Since the words of Allaah and His Messenger bring about an awe, respect, and love, in the Muslim heart which the words of others does not bring about.


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