11-10-2003, 06:11 PM
AL Quds Day
Brothers and Sisters … Peace and Blessings be upon you
Every year and you are better
Above all lands and below every sky
Every year and you are in blessing and piety, guidance and Iman, knowledge and Quran
Every year and your sins are forgiven, your worship is accepted, and your mistakes are covered
Every year and your heart is cleaner and your mind is wiser, and your soul is closer to ALLAH
Every year and all your days are Ramadan
Now , let us present to you our message
To everyone that carries a message
To everyone that has a right
To the messengers of guidance
To everyone that carries the burden of this nation
To everyone that feels the pain and agony of others all over the world
To everyone that has a wound
To everyone that wants to give but was prevented from doing so
To everyone that want to hold high the word of truth so that the whole world may witness
To everyone with a beating heart
To everyone with a sighing breath
To everyone that yearns being and working for the sake of Allah
To who wants to obey with a word
and contribute with his soul
Let us invite you from now So forget your personal gains and remember with us
Al-Aqsa ..Jerusalem
It was bounded for us to meet and enlighten the world with initiating the First Day of Al-Quds..Jerusalem
Tuesday 17th of Ramadan (11th of November) - 10 PM Mecca timing - 7 PM GMT
All at (AL Quds Day - Q_l_l l) room on PalTalk under group Middle East
A group of the most prominent Islamic Characters will attend
and wherever you are, we invite you to join us in this amazing event. Whether you are at Home...at the Masjid..in the Street..at Work or at school.
Let us forget our personal gain and remember Al-Quds..Jerusalem
Sponsored By: Islamic Trend Forum and www.hamasna.com
For more information on how to deal with PalTalk, please refer to the following link
*Are you crying?
*Was your father killed?
*And was your brother killed?
*And do the years weary you?
*And are you from among those they call refugees?
*Get Up! And scorn these objects of contempt.
*On the playground of Honor,
*I am a companion of the Flame of the Struggle-
*And a companion of the Blessed Call.
Innalillahi wa inna ilayhi rajioon - to Allah we belong and to Allah we return.
At the going down of the sun, and in the morning - we will remember them. Lest we forget.
WasSalaamu alaykom wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh to our brothers and sisters in Islaam
And you are also invited to us at our Yahoo email group - ibaadul-rrahman@yahoogroups.com
We'll soon be launching our Arabic language YahooGroup