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Womman Freedom and Illegal Birth rates

بعد أن أعطوها حريتها : 60% من مواليد السويد الجدد أبناء زنا!!

المرأة :إحصائيات عالمية :السبت 2 ربيع الآخر 1425هـ - 22 مايو 2004 م

بعد فتح المجال أمام المرأة السويدية في كل المجالات: من قيادة الشاحنات على الطرق السريعة إلى الانضمام لوحدات القوات الخاصة في الجيوش فرارا من تهمة التمييز ضد المرأة ؛فقد أفادت آخر إحصائية نشرتها مجلة الأسرة ـ عدد 131 ـ صفر 1425هـ أن 60% من المواليد الجدد في السويد أبناء زنا لا يرتبط آباؤهم وأمهاتهم

بعلاقة زواج

After liberation of rules regarding wommen in Sweden, an increase of 60% of total national births came to be illegal births(In Other words their parents have no marital relationships and are subject to be cared for the rest of their lives with no father or mother or at least both in Communes!!!!), this is is freedom for wommen as they believe it is, an Illegal community!!!!

واقع المرأة الغربية بالأرقام!!

المرأة :إحصائيات عالمية :السبت 25 ربيع الأول 1425هـ - 15مايو2004 م

مفكرة الإسلام: نشرت بعض وسائل الإعلام عددًا من الإحصائيات المتعلقة بواقع المرأة الغربية وفيما يلي ننشر ما ورد من حقائق وأرقام نشرته مجلة المستقبل في عددها 154 ـ صفر 1425هـ إبريل 2004م جاء فيها:

ـ يغتصب يوميًا في أمريكا 1900 فتاة، 20% منهن يغتصبن من قبل آبائهن.Daily 1900 womman is raped in USA.

ـ يقتل سنويًا في أمريكا مليون طفل بين إجهاض متعمد أو قتل فور الولادة.Abbortion kills one million child yearly in USA.

ـ بلغت نسبة الطلاق في أمريكا 60% من عدد عقود الزواج.Divorce Rate is 60% of total marriages in America.

ـ 170 شابة في بريطانيا تحمل سفاحا كل أسبوع.

ـ سجلت الشرطة في إسبانيا أكثر من 500 ألف بلاغ اعتداء جسدي على المرأة في عام واحد وأكثر من حالة قتل واحدة كل يوم.

كما كشف عدد من مراكز دراسات وبحوث أمريكية تفاصيل الإحصائية المثيرة التالية:

ـ 80% من المتزوجات منذ 15 سنة أصبحن مطلقات في سنة 1982.

ـ ألف جريمة اغتصاب منها 80% وقعت في محيط الأسرة والأصدقاء.

80% of rape cases come from members of the family and friends of the family in USA.

ـ 27% من الرجال يعيشون على نفقة النساء في سنة 1986.

27% of the total men live on the expense of their wommen in USA.

ـ أجريت عمليات تعقيم جنسي في الفترة من 1979م إلى 1985م على النساء المنحدرات من أصول الهنود الحمر، وذلك من دون علمهن.

وتؤكد آخر الإحصائيات عن أحوال المرأة في العالم الغربي أنها تعيش أتعس فترات حياتها المعنوية على رغم البهرجة المحيطة بحياة المرأة الغربية التي يعتقد بعض الناس أنها نالت حريتها، والمقصود من ذلك هو النجاح الذي حققه الرجل في دفعها إلى مهاوي ممارسة الجنس معه من دون عقد زواج يتوج مشاعرها ببناء أسرة فاضلة.

Islam gives the womman the right place she deserves, it gives her the position of caring and raising a community, which is the hardest to do and the most nobel. needless to say statistics in Islamic countries are furtherly much below the statistics of any non-moslem state.

And shokran for All the True Moslem wommen in the world! They are so giving and patient.



yeah or Scotland?


Quote:My curiosity got the better of me here.  1. How did you go from the subject of children born in Sweden to rape statistics in the USA ?

2. Can you please cite your sources for the rape statistics you are using in the USA.

3. Clarify your definition or the definition used by your sources for rape. i.e. do the figures include sexual assault or not ?

4. Why use the USA ? Why not Pakistan or India or Sudan ?

The reference I got the Information is the Womman Magazine, Volume issued on 2nd of May 2004.

And the subject is about the false freedom the west claims for wommen , and the projected increase in such problems because of fake womman rights they claim. USA is the pioneer country of such rights and such statistics and the statistics I adressed is true 100% and seeming you didnt get the whole bunch of statistics, Divorce rates is the highest in America, Rape Rates is Highest in America, Crime Rate Is highest in America and it does not follow the population density or something, because India forexample is more in population than USA and the rape rates is far far below those in US, Jhon! Our countries in Middle east for example have similar crimes and similar divorce, but the percentages are almost nothing when compared to yours.Because wommen behave like men there I assume, and want to take their role and the opposite is happening....So Men are immitating wommen, Is this the freedom? Jhon this is what am talking about.... That Islam is the best place for wommen. And this is why majority of Those who embrace Islam in America and europe are wommen, not wommen!! Jhon


Quote:Which works out at 679 per day for <i>sexual assaults</i>. Actual <i>rape</i> is much less.
John, I do not want to get into a discussion about which numbers are more accurate, but take a look at this figure you just posted. Going on this, that would mean that every 2 and 1/2 <b>minutes</b> and women in America is sexually assulted. And this I'm sure reflects only those incidents which go reported?? And I hope you are not trying to imply that sexual assult is not such a big deal compared to rape.

Do you realize that one out of every 4 girls, and one out of every 6 boys in America will be sexually abused by the time that child reaches the age of 12? This is not an issue that can be sugar-coated, this is a serious problem in this country no matter what spin you want to put on it, and that is the fact.


Hello John,

So the truth is a bunch of tosh? No wonder you have such a hard time with the fact that there is no God but Allah(SWT), and Mohammed(SAW) is the last messenger. Alhamdulillah I am Muslim and there is nothing else I'd rather be! [Image: smile.gif]



I am amazed at how you gobble up any "puff piece of propaganda" against Islam but when it comes to facts about nonmuslim countries you blow them off. It is very interesting to watch.


Quote:I believe the piece to be anti-america, anti-woman propaganda quoting false statistics.
John, I fail to see how this has anything at all to do with being anti-American, or anti-women. As an American women, I think it is time we began to take a serious look at these issues and address this problem that exsists in our country. Yes John, these are the facts. What do you think the responsible American should do about them? Sit around ignoring them, or down playing the seriousness of it calling it 'propaganda' or should we take the approach of realizing we have a problem and look at practical ways to solve this problem? I would think that a person who cares for their country and the good of the society as a whole would care to improve or correct the problems that exsist in that society. Should we not try to leave this world in a better way than we found it? You tell me which approach is anti-whatever you want to call it.

Look John, I went off of statisics YOU yourself posted to come up with a women in America being sexually assulted every 2 1/2 minutes. This is a tragedy. Wake up to reality.


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