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Assalamu aleikum,
The following is written by brother Abdullah.
Obeying the Traffic Laws
In Canada, drivers are very attentive towards obeying the traffic signals and regulations. These traffic lights and signals are not alive, yet drivers are very punctual in following them. I myself stop at red lights and stop signs even while driving at 2 a.m. at night when all the roads are virtually empty. I know that there are no cars to hit, yet, I stop and obey the rules. What causes me to do this? It is the recognition of those behind the rules (Government) that pushes me to obey them even when they are not visible around me.
Today, because we have no recognition of Allah, we are disobeying Him day and night. Unlike the dead traffic signals, Allah is ever Living and ever Watchful. We will have to stand in front of Him on the Day of Judgment. We have learned to obey dead objects yet we have decided to disobey Allah, who is the King of all the kings.
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waalaikum salam wbt, ![[Image: smile.gif]]( if that was me, i won't stop at a deserted traffic light at 2a.m. It can be high-risk, for a lady. anyway, maybe he's a better driver.
i guess, sometimes when i do something bad, e.g: feeling lazy, lost patience, etc. i hope God would be Most Merciful. but i know even anybody nice will be offended to be "taken advantage" as such, many times, even more so God. so i do try to be good & not do it again..
I guess that's why Islam requires the community to give advices among the people. so that whenever we lag a little, somebody will remind us. i know my mom, dad, family will nag me whenever they think I do something wrong. self-discipline is good, though with a community is even better, to me. coz sometimes one might feel so good enough, it might get to our heads. we feel we do nothing wrong. but with a good community, others will often bring us back to earth, & point out what we missed...
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Assalamu aleikum,
Some thoughts or questions in connection with life and death.
Can WE decide when our time is out?
Can WE decide HOW we will die?
If the answer is NO – WHO makes these decisions?
Why do some people die in disasters instead of dying in their bed while sleeping?
Why do some die young and others when they have reached an old age?
Do you think Allah, SWT is trying to tell us something when things like this happen?
Can we say that we can conquer death?
If we cannot do anything of these things, does it then not mean that we are submitted to the will of the One that can – Allah, SWT?
And the one that submits can be called a slave or a servant?
This is the teachings of Islam - just take some moments to reflect on these questions...
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Quote:But the traffic lights are there, we can see them, we understand their purpose.
Yes, I think in this analogy the traffic lights would be compared to the Qur'an/hadith (for muslims), or other visible "rules" like the bible, etc. Allah, the hidden authority whom we are obeying, is compared to the government/police, which is generally not visible, but we are aware they exist and we know there are consequences for disobeying the "rules".
And even JohnDoe would stop at 2am with no one around, just to check for cops
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Assalamu aleikum,
Yes sister Laian very good point there - ''Allah, the hidden authority whom we are obeying, is compared to the government/police, which is generally not visible, but we are aware they exist and we know there are consequences for disobeying the "rules".'' It is so WELL put.
Hi JohnDoe,
Just think these about lines quoted above. Strange? - ponder about them again. Even your hesitation to at least STOP to see if it is 'safe' to disobey is showing that your thought is with you for a moment and the wish to obey, but then you push the thought/wish aside and drive away and by doing that act you do take a chance - since the police could have hidden themselves and will stop you around the corner and ask you 'WHY did you not wait until it became green since it is THEN safe to drive on? Why did you not obey the red sign?'
True you can see the traffic light, but your thoughts should lead you to the PURPOSE WHY they are there. Surely it is not to make you a law breaker, but to make you someone that OBEY the law and at the same time make 'the world a safer place' since the other road user, the ones crossing the road can TRUST you, that you will not drive when you are not allowed to, and the cars crossing the road in front of you can also TRUST that you will wait until your turn comes. So hopefully this kind of obeying and showing respect for rules will help people from being overrunned or cars to be smashed together, at least when it comes to the ruling of the traffic light.
So use your thoughts to understand the PURPOSE behind the things we CAN see. Then it will make true sense.
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Quote:And no doubt I would be waved on my way with a friendly warning.
YEP - Only if you're NOT an Afro-American
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Assalamu aleikum,
Hi JohnDoe,
Efforts have to be made to get somewhere!
You seem to be willing anyway to take chances and then depend on your charm, well that is the long way to go, instead of taking the shortcut and wait for red and then drive on.
So maybe this traffic light is a trivial thing, but it CAN be put in another prospective, I hope you will in due time see the deeper meaning.
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Assalamu aleikum,
Hi JohnDoe,
''I'm not actually arguing about faith...'' - Good!, then let's concentrate on faith.