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Interesting fact - SisterJennifer - 05-12-2004

I just wanted to share this interesting piece of information I read today with all of you:

The Holy Quran mentions (In Arabic):

*The word "month" exactly 12 times.

*The word "days" exactly 30 times.

*The word "prayer" exactly 5 times.

*The words "life" and "death" an equal number of times (145 and 145).

*The words "angels" and "devils" an equal number of times (88 and 88).

*The words "man" and "woman" an equal number of times (24 and 24).

Interesting fact - naseeha - 05-12-2004

well here is some more ok....

this is too much to actually post so i will attach it as a file...

if anyone has comments about it's authencity i willl be glad to know...

jazaakumullah khairan

Interesting fact - Muslimah - 05-12-2004

as salam alykom

well naseeha u r right that we may investigate it, Sobhan Allah, I didnt look into the file u posted yet.

But I already read the items sisterjennifer posted before and I made a search on them. I re made the search on a Quran CD I have, the word prayer (assalah) is mentioned 66 times and the word month (ashahr) is mentioned 6 times.

I am not sure how they count them but these are the results I got. I will check your later Insh aAllah

Interesting fact - Abohamza30 - 05-12-2004


Thank you Sister Jennifer for the post

The Quran Also mentions the two words Water and Land into two different proportions:

The attached statistics talk about the amazing structure and composition of the Holy Quran inwhich some similies of words and opposites are mentioned in some statistical miracle interms of the frequency these words have been repeated in the scripture of Holly quran like:

the word Life has been repeated 115 times in various Verses and occasions and the word Hereafter 115 -This Goes with the Islamic theme that you choose your hereafter by doing good deeds in life( Life work/worship Gets you equal results in hereafter thats Jannah

Angels 88 Satan 88

people 50 Preophets 50(Prophets are but people)

Straight 50 lust 50

Moslems 41 and Jihad 41

Zakat( Charity Money) 88 and bless 88

Mohammad 4 and Doctrine 4

Man 24 and Womman 24-equality !!

Life 145 and Death 145

Morals 176 and Immorality 176

Love 83 and Obedience 83

Difficulty 102 and Patience 102

Punsihment 117 and forgivness 234

Prayers mentioned only 5 times

The word Month is mentioned only 12 times and the word year mentioned 365.

The word Land mentioned 13 times only and the word Sea mentioned 32 times

If you add land to sea = 12+32= 44

If you divide the frequency of the word sea which is 32 by the total of Both land and sea and multiply by 100% to see how much fraction it will give it will yield:

32/44 Times 100%=71,1% which is the percent of water to the area of Earth. If you do the same for the frequency of land it will be as follow:

12/44 times 100%=28,8% the percent of Land of total our planet surface area as Modern geography shows.

The Graph below represents the Word Allah in arabic, but it is the ACTUAL plotting of the numbers(order, note that the Quran has 114 Sorah's each Sorah has many verses) of the Verses of the Quran plotted Against their Total number of verses, the final graph came to be the word ALLAH in Arabic as it was written the time of Mohammad when Roqaa Arabic writing was common.You could see the graph yourself, Shirly and maybe can plot the graph by your own using the word file, it will give ya the same!!!!

You migh find this website usefull about the Mathematical Miracle of the Holy Quran:

The Origional content of my reply here came from an article authored By Dr Tariq Suwaidan Jzah Allah Khairan, I translated main theme of it and summarized it here for our Non-Arabic Speaking Brothers and Sisters. I ONLY NEED YOUR PRAYERS, PLEASE DONT FORGET ME . Jzakom Allah Khairan.

The attached statistics talks about the amazing structure and composition of the Holy Quran inwhich some similies of words and opposites are mentioned in some statistical miracle interms of the frequency these words have been repeated in the scripture of Holly quran like:

the word Life has been repeated 115 times in various Verses and occasions and the word Hereafter 115 -This Goes with the Islamic theme that you choose your hereafter by doing good deeds in life( Life work/worship Gets you equal results in hereafter thats Jannah

Angels 88 Satan 88

people 50 Preophets 50(Prophets are but people)

Straight 50 lust 50

Moslems 41 and Jihad 41

Zakat( Charity Money) 88 and bless 88

Mohammad 4 and Doctrine 4

Man 24 and Womman 24-equality !!

Life 145 and Death 145

Morals 176 and Immorality 176

Love 83 and Obedience 83

Difficulty 102 and Patience 102

Punsihment 117 and forgivness 234

Prayers mentioned only 5 times

The word Month is mentioned only 12 times and the word year mentioned 365.

The word Land mentioned 13 times only and the word Sea mentioned 32 times

If you add land to sea = 12+32= 44

If you divide the frequency of the word sea which is 32 by the total of Both land and sea and multiply by 100% to see how much fraction it will give it will yield:

32/44 Times 100%=71,1% which is the percent of water to the area of Earth. If you do the same for the frequency of land it will be as follow:

12/44 times 100%=28,8% the percent of Land of total our planet surface area as Modern geography shows.

The Graph represents the Word Allah in arabic, but it is the ACTUAL plotting of the numbers(order, note that the Quran has 114 Sorah's each Sorah has many verses) of the Verses of the Quran plotted Against their Total number of verses, the final graph came to be the word ALLAH in Arabic as it was written the time of Mohammad when Roqaa Arabic writing was common.You could see the graph yourself, Shirly and maybe can plot the graph by your own using the word file, it will give ya the same!!!!

Just Dont Know about the Image, I tried to do the same using the SPSS-PC+ statistical package it gave two different words in Arabic from which Can be Mohammad in Arabic, and you can try this yourselves, You can use the Analysis of Variance between the two axis and it should give you differnt images. I will work on finding the files and post soon IN SHA 'A ALLAH.


The con

من عجائب القرآن الكريم

إحصائيات قام بها الدكتور طارق سويدان ..

أولاً : التساوي :

1- تم ذكر كلمة دنيا 115 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة آخرة 115 مرة ..

2- تم ذكر كلمة ملائكة 88 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة شياطين 88 مرة ..

3- تم ذكر كلمة الناس 50 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الأنبياء 50 مرة

4- تم ذكر كلمة صلاح 50 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة فساد 50 مرة

5- تم ذكر كلمة إبليس 11 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الاستعاذة من إبليس 11 مرة

6- تم ذكر كلمة مسلمين 41 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة جهاد 41 مرة

7- تم ذكر كلمة زكاة 88 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة بركة 88 مرة

8- تم ذكر كلمة محمد 4 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة شريعة 4 مرة

9- تم ذكر كلمة امرأة 24 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة رجل 24 مرة ..

10- تم ذكر كلمة الحياة 145 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الموت 145 مرة ..

11- تم ذكر كلمة الصالحات 167 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة السيئات 167مرة ..

12- تم ذكر كلمة اليسر 36 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة العسر 12 مرة ..

13- تم ذكر كلمة الأبرار 6 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الفجار 3 مرة ..

14- تم ذكر كلمة الجهر 16 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة العلانية 16 مرة ..

15- تم ذكر كلمة المحبة 83 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الطاعة 83 مرة ..

16- تم ذكر كلمة الهدى 79 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الرحمة 79 مرة ..

17- تم ذكر كلمة السلام 50 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الطيبات 50 مرة ..

18- تم ذكر كلمة الشدة 102مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الصبر 102 مرة ..

19- تم ذكر كلمة المصيبة 75 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة الشكر 75 مرة ..

20- تم ذكر كلمة الجزاء 117 مرة وتم ذكر كلمة المغفرة 234 مرة

ثانياً : الإعجاز :

1- ذكرت الصلاة خمس مرات في القرآن .. والفروض اليومية خمس فروض

2- ذكرت الشهور 12 مرة في القرآن .. والسنة 12 شهر ..

3- ذكر اليوم 365 مرة في القرآن .. وعدد أيام السنة 365 يوم ..

ثالثاً : العلاقات الرقمية :

1- ذكرت كلمة بحر في القرآن 32 مرة ، النسبة المئوية لعدد

ذكر كلمة بحر بالنسبة إلى مجموع ذكر عدد كلمتي بحر وأرض =

32 / ( 32+ 13 ) × 100 = 71.111

2- ذكرت كلمة أرض في القرآن 13 مرة ، النسبة المئوية

لعدد ذكر كلمة أرض بالنسبة إلى مجموع عدد ذكر كلمتي بحر وأرض =

13/ ( 32 + 13) × 100= 28.888

هذه هي النسب الفعلية لنسبة سطح البحر واليابسة لسطح كوكب

الأرض الذي نعيش عليه ..

مخطط بياني يمثل أرقام سور القرآن وعدد آياتها ،

والنتيجة :

اسم ( الله )

القرآن الكريم ينشط الجهاز المناعي ويخفف التوتر

في بحث علمي أجريت تجاربه في أمريكا ..

أثبتت دراسة في مؤتمر طبي عقد في القاهرة مؤخراً عن كيفية تنشيط جهاز

المناعة بالجسم للتخلص من أخطر الأمراض المستعصية والمزمنة ، أن مستمعي

القرآن الكريم تظهر عليهم تغيرات وظيفية تدل على تخفيف درجة التوتر العصبي

التلقائي ، وقد أمكن تسجيل ذلك كله بأحدث الأجهزة العلمية وأدقها .

يقول الدكتور أحمد القاضي رئيس مجلس إدارة معهد الطب الإسلامي للتعليم

والبحوث في أمريكا وأستاذ القلب المصري الذي أشرف على البحث

في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية :

إن ( 79 %) ممن أجريت عليهم البحوث بسماعهم لكلمات القرآن الكريم

سواء كانوا مسلمين أو غير مسلمين وسواء كانوا يعرفون العربية أو لا يعرفونها

ظهرت عليهم نتائج إيجابية تمثلت في انخفاض درجة التوتر العصبي

التي كانوا يعانون منها .

ويضيف القاضي : من المعروف أن التوتر يؤدي إلى نقص مستوى المناعة

في الجسم وهذا يظهر عن طريق إفراز بعض المواد داخل الجسم أو ربما حدوث

ردود فعل بين الجهاز العصبي والغدد الصماء ، ويتسبب ذلك في

إحداث خلل في التوازن الوظيفي الداخلي بالجسم ، ولذلك فإن الأثر

القرآني المهديء للتوتر يؤدي إلى تنشيط وظائف المناعة

لمقاومة الأمراض والشفاء منها ...


Mohammad.[Image: smile.gif]

Interesting fact - Muslimah - 05-12-2004

Quote:<i>Originally posted by naseeha </i><b>well here is some more ok....</b>

if anyone has comments about it's authencity i willl be glad to know...  

jazaakumullah khairan
as salam alykom

I only verified Dunia and Akherah:

Dunia came 133 and Akherah came 250

Well I looked into Dr. Tareq's before, Quran is more important than this. We really dont need to go out of our ways to prove to others its authinticity. I dont mean to belittle anyone's work, Astaghfer Allah, but things like this can open gates to opposite reactions.

Interesting fact - Abohamza30 - 05-12-2004


Thank you, Sister:

The Authenticity of the Information I provided is based on two facts:

The first fact is that the search for words of Holy quran in Arabic follows many rules based on the base of the word in Arabic, and am giving an example to make it clear: The word Donia(Life) appears in the scripture in many forms including: Donia(Life), Addonia(the Donia,the life), and I am certain Dr Swaidan did follow the tafseer of the words as well, where the word I use an example is used to refere to Anything inferior like( Alhayat Addonia: the inferior life, life on earth) , So I conclude that any Basic CD Quran will not give you all what this article was based on. You might find the WindowsWORD file Quran more usefull than a basic Quran CD.

The second rule is that the all the words and verses of the Quran are Interwoven to give different meanings, so the Tafseer of the quran is a base to build on when Giving the exact statistics of what the Quran contains of Miracles.

The third and last word is Tarik Suwaidan has been known for his devotion to such issues and is trusted enough. I hope am not mistacken about the man and the authenticity of the article and what if he really authored it. But for more accuracy ,as you adressed the issue of opening the door for others to subject the words of quran to Criticism, I will find exactly what if he really did by contacting him soon over the phone or the net and I hope Allah will help me with this.

Remember: Allah said he have sent this revealation to all mankind and he PROMISED to keep it conserved from CORRUPTION. May Allah forgive me if I am posting the wrong Information and Allah is my witness and he knows the secrets and whatever hides.

You can find the content of the Graph and the article on :

Shukran Again.


Interesting fact - Muslimah - 05-12-2004

Jazakum Allah khairan brother.

In no way I am trying to belittle a Muslim, u understand what I mean. Quran is by far above everything and truly from Allah. It is amazaing Sobhan Allah.

Interesting fact - Abohamza30 - 05-12-2004

Things like this made many be convinced, Sister. The Quran Speaks science and foretells science as you said in your reply to The Scientific Miracles of Quran. And science is the first message the Quran teaches you know why I assume.... because Allah made Man and gave him insight and the first message that Islam teaches is: Iqraa': Proclaim: Read: subject these verses to your simple brain, your simple thinking, Mankind! before you believe, Think!!!!

And , you know?Thanks, You braught up another Issue:The Quran does speak to human mind and explains to him why he existed. Verses of the quran explain the life and goes on with human mind and his nature, and is not against him and his inner built-in complexes Allah SWT left inside . Notice that we all love to read, love to learn, love to judge things by our thinking and subject things to our previous experiences and trials, this is our nature and The Quran/ Islam meets our needs and meets with our nature on the fact that Allah is the only one who deserves worship.This is why All returners to islam from Christianity say we found the quran answering ALL our Questions. Is not this a miracle in itself?

Shukran, Okhti Moslima, Jzaki Allah Khairan 3an Al-islam wal-moslimeen.
