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Between duty and God which is more important? - dattaswami - 09-19-2006

<b>Between duty and God which is more important?</b>

This depends on your stage in the spiritual path. There is nothing to decide here. An ordinary human being will do the worldly duties only. Even if you advice to leave such duties, he will not leave because he cannot leave. For Sankara even though His mother asked him to do worldly duties, He left them and dedicated Himself to God only. Therefore, the soul does according to its spiritual state and inherent interest. Finally the interest decides the selection. Therefore you cannot have universal selection.

Between duty and God which is more important? - NaSra - 09-19-2006

Quote:<b>Between duty and God which is more important?</b>

This depends on your stage in the spiritual path. There is nothing to decide here. An ordinary human being will do the worldly duties only. Even if you advice to leave such duties, he will not leave because he cannot leave. For Sankara even though His mother asked him to do worldly duties, He left them and dedicated Himself to God only. Therefore, the soul does according to its spiritual state and inherent interest. Finally the interest decides the selection. Therefore you cannot have universal selection.



Who is Sankara? and btw this is an Islamic Forum. So please remember that, it sounds like you are giving us dawah.

We don't need your Dawah :confused_smile: , we already have a religion. Thank u very much!

Between duty and God which is more important? - dattaswami - 09-19-2006

Thank you.

Shakra was human incarnation of Lord came in India to preach and uplift the souls.

Regarding rest of your comment;

I want to bring the world peace by bringing the brotherly-hood among the religions. Unless this is brought, the brotherly-hood among the followers of various religions will not come. Religion is only the external plastic cover. Spiritualism is the same material packed in different religions. Whatever may be the color of the external plastic cover, the internal metallic wire and current are one and the same in all the wires. Whatever may be the color of the plastic cover, every wire will move the fan since the same current is passing in all the wires. For the sake of money, one man is quarreling with another man without recognizing the same soul that is present in all the human beings. Similarly one country is fighting with another country due to the difference in the religions without recognizing the same spiritual current that exists in all the religions.

If you want to convey the greatness of spiritualism present in your religion, you must expose the common points between your religion and the other religion. Then the person of other religion will become your friend. After that you expose the greatness of spiritualism in your religion. Then he will understand and appreciate your religion. But if you deeply analyze, the same spiritualism to the same depth is present in all the religions. The Lord is only one and came to different countries and taught the same syllabus in different languages. Religion is only the external culture of dress, food habits, language etc.; Spiritualism is the subject related to one God who created this entire universe.

Between duty and God which is more important? - Dan - 09-19-2006


Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? (61:7)

Say: "What! Will ye instruct Allah about your religion? But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: He has full knowledge of all things. (49:16)

O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (3:102)

If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). (3:85)

Between duty and God which is more important? - dattaswami - 09-20-2006


Who doth greater wrong than one who invents falsehood against Allah, even as he is being invited to Islam? (61:7)

Say: "What! Will ye instruct Allah about your religion? But Allah knows all that is in the heavens and on earth: He has full knowledge of all things. (49:16)

O ye who believe! Fear Allah as He should be feared, and die not except in a state of Islam. (3:102)

If anyone desires a religion other than Islam (submission to Allah), never will it be accepted of him; and in the Hereafter He will be in the ranks of those who have lost (All spiritual good). (3:85)

Thank you for the reply, i respect your views;

While preaching the Lord follows the psychology of receiver and speaks to His corresponding level only in a palatable way (Priyam) so that he will not run away on hearing a harsh truth (Satyam), which may correspond to higher level. But at the same time the Lord will not preach a lie (Amrutam) even if it is liked very much. At the same time he will introduce slightly higher level so that a little truth with little harshness is introduced. The psychology of the receiver which likes only palatable concepts is as important as the truth. If a lie which is highly palatable is spoken, the huge majority of followers will appear. But what is the use of such preaching? Because the receiver is not really benefited in long range (upper world). If the entire concept is reveled, it is so harsh that people will run away without even hearing it. Therefore, the middle gold path of Aristotle should be followed so that a minority of followers appears.

If the preacher shows some miracles, huge crowds will follow who will be interested in solving their problems by exploiting that super power. In that case the preacher may speak any nonsense, the followers will be clapping. The devotion of such followers is only artificial and such devotees are the prostitute devotees. The miracles are exhibited by the Lord spontaneously in the case of extreme necessity for the sake of a really deserving devotee. The miracle is expected to help the devotee in the spiritual path. The sage Udanka did not ask for the vision of Viswarupam. But still the Lord showed it and sage Udanka got its benefit permanently. The sage believed the human incarnation throughout his life. Arjuna could get only some temporary benefit by such vision and therefore the Lord did not show it by himself unless Arjuna requested for it. Duryodhana did not ask for it but Dhrutarashtra asked to see it. In the case of these two, there is no use at all and the vision did not change them. The miracle can not be a poof of the Lord because even the devotees either good or bad also show miracles.

At the Lotus Feet of His Holiness Sri Dattaswami

Anil Antony

Universal Spirituality for World Peace

Between duty and God which is more important? - wel_mel_2 - 09-20-2006


Quote:If the preacher shows some miracles, huge crowds will follow who will be interested in solving their problems by exploiting that super power. In that case the preacher may speak any nonsense, the followers will be clapping.

<b>That is in India maybe...</b>



Between duty and God which is more important? - wel_mel_2 - 09-20-2006


Quote:If the preacher shows some miracles, huge crowds will follow who will be interested in solving their problems by exploiting that super power. In that case the preacher may speak any nonsense, the followers will be clapping.

Miracle is not the test at all whether this preacher is truthful or not. Have you heard of John the Baptist? Jesus said about him in the Book of Mathew 11:11 <b>“Verily I say to you, there hath not risen among those born of women
, a greater than John the Baptist
”</b> .and yet <b>he performed no miracles</b>... did he? show me what he did!! But that doesn’t mean that he was not a man of God.

Now, if God decided to take a dog’s form (<b>Asstaghfurullah</b>)… what will this dog show you/preach for you to follow him as the <b>representative of God or God incarnate</b>?

i hope to get a real and <b>straight answer</b>.



Between duty and God which is more important? - wel_mel_2 - 09-22-2006



Miracle is not the test at all whether this preacher is truthful or not. Have you heard of John the Baptist? Jesus said about him in the Book of Mathew 11:11 <b>“Verily I say to you, there hath not risen among those born of women
, a greater than John the Baptist
”</b> .and yet <b>he performed no miracles</b>... did he? show me what he did!! But that doesn’t mean that he was not a man of God.

Now, if God decided to take a dog’s form (<b>Asstaghfurullah</b>)… what will this dog show you/preach for you to follow him as the <b>representative of God or God incarnate</b>?

i hope to get a real and <b>straight answer</b>.



have you not seen this post before Dattaswami???



Between duty and God which is more important? - dattaswami - 09-22-2006


Miracle is not the test at all whether this preacher is truthful or not. Have you heard of John the Baptist? Jesus said about him in the Book of Mathew 11:11 <b>“Verily I say to you, there hath not risen among those born of women
, a greater than John the Baptist
”</b> .and yet <b>he performed no miracles</b>... did he? show me what he did!! But that doesn’t mean that he was not a man of God.

Now, if God decided to take a dog’s form (<b>Asstaghfurullah</b>)… what will this dog show you/preach for you to follow him as the <b>representative of God or God incarnate</b>?

i hope to get a real and <b>straight answer</b>.




Can the Lord not come in animal forms?

[The Puranas mention the forms of a fish (Matsya), tortoise (Kurma) etc. that the Lord took and came to earth.] Matsya, etc. are the forms in which the Lord came temporarily to destroy demons. Such forms were not worshipped because they did not live along with human beings like Rama and Krishna [human incarnations]. Such animal forms could not preach the divine knowledge.

In this world, God enters animals etc. also but they are not for preaching. They are only for destroying the demons. Mainly He enters the human body for the sake of human beings. Regarding statues and photos, they are only representative models. You can worship them assuming that they are God.

Between duty and God which is more important? - wel_mel_2 - 09-24-2006


Quote:Regarding <b>statues and photos</b>, they are only representative models. <b>You can worship them assuming that they are God</b>.

It is you who say that WE CAN WORSHIP IDOLS... but God said NO..., and here are some references from your own scriptures.

It is mentioned in <b>Yajurved, Chapter 40, Verse 9</b> <i>"Andhatma pravishanti ye asambhuti mupaste"</i>, <b>"They enter darkness, those who worship natural things"</b>
For e.g. air, water, fire etc.

It further continues and says, <b>"They sink deeper in darkness those who worship Sambhuti</b>
i.e. <b>created things"</b>, For example <b>table, chair, idol </b> etc.

<b>Bhagavat Gita 7-24</b>: <b> "The ignorant believe that un-manifest Para Brahma (One God) incarnates or takes manifestations, because they do not completely understand My highest, immutable, incomparable, and transcendental existence." </b>

<b>Bhagavat Gita 7:19-21</b>: <b>"All those who do idol worship</b>, <b>All those who worship demigods are materialistic people."</b>

<b>Yajur Veda 3:32:</b> <b>"...Of that God you cannot make any images." </b>

