a friend sent me this... lets refute - Al-fateh - 04-07-2007
a friend sent me this... lets refute
Quote:Here are some questions....could you please pass this on to your friends.....the challenge is ....are we susceptible to change by keeping an open mind and accepting the truth...
Did you know that the Quran was written approximately 150 years after Muhammed died. Now Muhammad was illiterate and couldn’t read nor write so hence it is impossible for someone to copy exactly word for word without misinterpreting the concept and message especially as nothing was documented in those days. Now you and I both know that to learn something even a page it has to be read and re-read numerous amounts of times before one can memorize and then how much will one forget in your busy lives. These messages has to pass a generation as well. So was the Qumran really Muhammad’s or Gods message or was this simply a military tactic to strengthen an army and attack and conquer for power and we all know that after the book was established there were wars fought and lands invaded in the name of religion and conversion where people died/raped- what in the name of religion...please understand this for yourselves and don’t get caught in the web of deceit...save yourselves.
Another important fact-Muhammad had to flee from Mecca to Medina as his life was in danger when he tried to tell all that he saw an angel who spoke to him…keep in mind this angel would have had to speak to him for days to give him all the details and since Muhammad could not read nor write he would have had to memorize this and completely understand the concept of what was being said as per the script…this is IMPOSSIBLE…THINK FOR YOURSELVES…now as he said he saw an angel and wanted to make certain changes in the kabba ..you know remove all the statues and have just he senior most. The elders were angry and threatened and so Muhammad fled Mecca. When in Medina he formed a band of people and they raided and plundered and killed for years to become rich and until he had an army large enough to go back and wage war to Mecca. In a bloodless coup he managed to take over Mecca. This is a violent man in search for power......second only to the man who finally wrote the Quran as Gods message and then waging war in his conquests….
Here is more…..
Identified are many elements of pagan worship that Muhammad grafted directly into Islam virtually unchanged.
The symbols, the temples, the rituals of modern Islam were practiced by Polytheists before Muhammad was born. Islam is repackaged Polytheism. "Polytheism with a monotheistic veil".
Modern day...copy and paste method... so what did he really contribute... the answer is noting…please read on for the real truth…..
1) Is it TRUE- Muhammad in his youth participated in worshipping all the 360 pagan gods in the Kabah. He was influenced by the Christians ..
Monotheists who condemned polytheism and Muhammad was convinced this was wrong so he sought to reject those 360 Gods he grew up worshipping.
However, being a proud Arab bent on preserving his traditions and so started a different religion; he took the top pagan god in the Kabah called Hubal or Allah and chose this to be his monotheistic god.
Rather than converting all the Arab people to the monotheism of Christianity, Muhammad merely banished the other 359 pagan gods and chose the one remaining to be the one and only god... what Muslims refer to today as "Allah". Thus Islam was born.
Historians have identified many elements of pagan worship that Muhammad grafted directly into Islam virtually unchanged.
The symbols, the temples and the rituals of modern Islam were practiced by polytheists before Muhammad was born. Islam is Repackaged Polytheism. "Polytheism with a monotheistic veil.
2) Is this TRUE- Archaeologists contradict this claim- the “sound” Hadith itself makes it impossible for Abraham and Ishmael to be the ones who built the Kabah: "I said, "O Allah's Apostle! Which mosque was built first?" He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Haram." I asked, "Which (was built) next?" He replied, "Al-Masjid-ul-Aqs-a (i.e. Jerusalem)." I asked, "What was the period in between them?" He replied, "Forty (years)." He then added, "Wherever the time for the prayer comes upon you, perform the prayer, for all the earth is a place of worshipping for you."" (Hadith, Sahih al-Bukhari55:636, Narrated Abu Dhaar). This Hadith affirms that the Kaba was actually built long after Abraham and Ishmael had died. Abraham lived about 2000 BC and the Temple was built by Solomon in about 958-951 BC. This implies that the Kabah was built approximately 998-991 BC. If Muhammad is correct, then the Quran is wrong. But if the Quran is correct in stating that Abraham and Ishmael built the Kaba, then the Hadith is wrong. Yet, if this particular Hadith is wrong then this throws into question the authenticity of the entire Hadith collections, especially Bukhari's collection which is considered to be the most reliable and authentic collection
3) Is it TRUE- the Pilgrimage to Mecca: "A principal public celebration of the Arabians was an annual pilgrimage, in which tribes who shared a common bond of worship of a deity at a specific sanctuary would reunite there? A pattern of ceremonial procession around the baetyl [the sacred stone] was common, and this pattern may be seen in the surviving Islamic custom of the pilgrimage to Mecca." (Britannica, Arabian Religions, p1059, 1979) Muhammad merely borrowed this wide spread polytheistic worship style and adopted it into Islam as a central rite, same polytheistic pilgrimage under the disguise of a modified monotheism. It is true that in the hajj many pre-Islamic practices were retained, but as has been shown above, the origin of these practices is traceable to Abraham, and every one of them carries with it a spiritual significance. (The Religion ofIslam, Maulana Muhammad Ali, p. 448, 1936, Muslim).
4) Is it TRUE- Praying 5 times a day: Polytheistic worshippers prayed 5 times a day towards their local kava’s. "The Sabeans have five prayers similar to the five prayers of the Muslims. Others say they have seven prayers, five of which are comparable to the prayers of the Muslims with regard to time [that is, morning, noon, afternoon, evening and night; the sixth is at midnight and the seventh is at forenoon]. It is their practice to pray over the dead without kneeling down or even bending the knee. They also fast for one lunar month of thirty days; they start their fast at the last watch of the night and continue till the setting of the sun. Some of their sects fast during the month of Ramadan, face Ka'ba when they pray, venerate Mecca, and believe in making the pilgrimage to it. They consider dead bodies, blood and the flesh of pigs as unlawful. They also forbid marriage for the same reasons as do Muslims." (Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-Arab, Muhammad Shukri al-Alusi, Vol 1, p 121-122, Muslim) Prior to Islam the people would pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (The Encyclopedia of Islam p. 303)
Worshippers in pagan Sabian religion that worshipped stars were "obliged to pray three times a day" (Preliminary Discourse to the Koran, Sale, 1801) At first, Muhammad prayed towards Jerusalem, but when he was rejected by the Jews, started directing hisprayers towards Mecca.
Today, monotheistic Muslims pray 5 times a day towards Mecca to Allah. Muhammad grafted this pagan practice into Islam.
5) Is it TRUE- Holy days (friday/fasting during Ramadan): Polytheistic pilgrimage required fasting for the month that begins and ends with the crescent moon for each pagan god. During the holy month of Ramadan (November) Muslims begin and end month long fast exactly the same time and manner as the polytheism that pre-dated Muhammad. Muslim practices such as gathering on Friday and the four sacred months of Islam were also pre-Islamic customs: "In Bulugh al-'Arab fi Ahwal al-'Arab, we read,'The four sacred months, Rajab, Dhu al-Qa'da, Dhu al-Hijja and Muharram, had been considered sacred during the pre-Islamic period [Jahiliya]. Raids, taking revenge, war, fighting and disputes were forbidden during them. If a man were to meet his enemy whokilled his father or brother during these months, he would not quarrel with him... During the sacred months, [the people] were under restriction not to fight or make raids, and had to remove [their] spearheads as a sign that they would avoid fighting at all costs.'Obviously, Islam borrowed the hallowing of these months from Pre-Islamic Arabsand introduced nothing new into the world." (Is the Qur'an Infallible?, 'Abdallah 'Abd al-Fadi, Light of Life, , p. 127)
*The crescent moon symbol was used since 2100 BC in paganism. Polytheism has extensively used the symbol of the crescent moon as far back as Abraham as hundreds of archeological examples verify. All the Arabs at the Kaba in Mecca worshipped the moon god Hubal. Crescent moon is the official symbol of Islam on top of every Mosque in the world and beside the Kaba on top of the Maqam Ibrahim! It is the last remaining polytheistic remnant of ancient moon worship under a new sanitized monotheistic veil.
*Pagans performed a fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah. Muhammad redefined the meaning while retaining the ritual. Islamic pilgrimage requires a fast walk between As-Safa and Al-Marwah
*The polytheistic pilgrimages required throwing stones at the devil. Muhammad retained this concept where the Islamic pilgrimage requires throwing pebbles at three fixed points in Mina, which represent evil. The pilgrim throws rocks over his shoulder at the three stone pillars which he has been told will frighten away the "djinn" or demons which the stone pillars represent.
8) Is it TRUE- Allah: "The verses of the Qur’an make it clear that the very name Allah existed in the Jahiliyya or pre-Islamic Arabia? Certain pagan tribes believed in a god whom they called ‘Allah’ and whom they believed to be the creator of heaven and earth and ho
a friend sent me this... lets refute - Al-fateh - 04-07-2007
here is what i got so far, alhamdulilah
a friend sent me this... lets refute - Muslimah - 04-08-2007
as salam alykom brother
If u search the board, Insh a Allah u will find what u need on Quran compilation, which corresponds to what u posted.
This is first, we also have a full pinned thread on the hadeeth rejection issue. U can use it Insh a Allah.
a friend sent me this... lets refute - Muslimah - 04-08-2007
Insh aAllah Let us try and work on the rest of the points..
May Allah Reward you brother Fatih.