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  مبشرة مسيحية ألمانية تعتنق الإسلام بالعراق
Posted by: Muslimah - 06-25-2003, 03:47 PM - Forum: منتدى المقالات باللغة العربية - No Replies

مبشرة مسيحية ألمانية تعتنق الإسلام بالعراق

كردستان (العراق) - أحمد الزاويتي – إسلام أون لاين.نت/ 9-1-2003

أشهرت الصحفية الألمانية "أيدت أشتر فيلد" -74 عاما- إسلامها في إقليم كردستان بشمال العراق ، حيث تقيم هناك منذ عام 1999 مع زوجها الكردي المسلم "مولود الجاف". و "أيدت" التي درست التاريخ و التراث الإسلامي قضت معظم سنوات عمرها في العمل كمبشرة مسيحية بجانب عملها في الصحافة ، ولها 3 أبناء رجالاً و ابنة واحدة ، و الأبناء الثلاثة قساوسة في الكنائس الألمانية .

و تحدثت فيلد لمراسل "إسلام أون لاين.نت" الخميس 9-1-2003 عن أسباب إسلامها الذي اختارت أن تشهره مع بداية عام 2003 ؛ ليمثل فاتحة عهد جديد في حياتها ، على حد قولها. و تشير إلى أن أول ما جذبها إلى الإسلام هو ذلك العطف و الحنان بين المسلمين بعكس المجتمع الغربي .

و توضح أن السبب الآخر هو ما اكتشفته من دراستها الإسلامية من أن الرسول محمدًا صلى الله عليه و سلم الذي اختاره الله ليكون رسولاً للعالمين أجمعين كان نبياً أميًّا لا يقرأ و لا يكتب .

و تضيف أن أحد العوامل الأخرى الأساسية لدخولها الإسلام هو أن المسلم يتوجه إلى الله مباشرة دون اللجوء إلى شخص ثالث وسيط كما هو في المسيحية .

و قد إستضاف تليفزيون الإتحاد الإسلامي الكردستاني في أربيل بشمال العراق السيدة أيدت ؛ حيث قرأت على الهواء مباشرة وصيتها التي كتبتها إلى أهلها في ألمانيا ، معلنة فيها إسلامها ، و طلبت منهم دفنها في مقابر المسلمين بعد وفاتها . و إتصل المشاهدون مباشرة بالصحفية الألمانية مباركين لها هذا ، و مبدين فرحهم و سرورهم لإسلامها ؛ حيث شكرتهم قائلة : إنها أحبت كردستان منذ أن وطئت أقدامها هذه الأرض التي وصفتها بجنة الله .

البداية .. دراسة التاريخ الإسلامي

الصحفية الألمانية تخرجت في المعهد العالي للصحافة الألمانية ، و عملت كصحفية في أبرز المجلات و الصحف الألمانية ، و دخلت الكنيسة البروتستانتية ، ثم عملت كمبشرة في الكنائس الغربية ، و شاركت في حملات مساعدة اللاجئين الأكراد و لاجئي البوسنة و الهرسك ، و كذلك جنوب أفريقيا .

إهتمت الصحفية "أيدت" في بداية عمرها بدراسة التاريخ و التراث الإسلامي ، ثم حصلت على نسخة مترجمة لمعاني القرآن الكريم بالألمانية ، و إعتكفت على قراءتها بدقة ، و قرأت كتابًا آخر حول الآداب و الشعائر الإسلامية باللغة الألمانية ، فأعجبت بالإسلام .

كما كان لزوجها الكردي المسلم "مولود جاف" دور إيجابي في تعريفها بالإسلام و تشجيعها على دراسة القرآن الكريم ، و قد تعرف عليها في ألمانيا عام 1977 ، ثم تزوجها في أحد مساجد ألمانيا عام 1999 ، و هو نفس العام الذي عاد فيه بصحبتها إلى كردستان العراق ليقررا الإقامة الدائمة فيها .

و في بداية عام 2003 قررت أيدت دخول الإسلام ، و أن تشهد أن لا إله إلا الله و أن محمداً رسول الله بحضور شخصية دينية مرموقة . فإتصل زوجها بالصحفي الكردي أسامة جميل الذي يعمل في مكتب الإعلام بالاتحاد الإسلامي الكردستاني في أربيل ، الذي تحدث إلى "أيدت" عن تعاليم الإسلام و مبادئه في جلسة استغرقت ساعة و نصف الساعة ، نطقت بعدها الزوجة بالشهادة ، معلنة دخولها الإسلام طواعية ، بحضور الشاعر الكردي المشهور "مدحت بيخه" .

و ذكر أسامة جميل في تصريحات لـ"إسلام أون لاين.نت" أنه تحدث خلال اللقاء حول عدة نقاط، أهمها أن اعتناق الإسلام يجب أن يكون عن قناعة تامة ، و بعيداً عن المسائل العاطفية و العائلية ، بالإضافة إلى التركيز على إهتمام الإسلام بالمرأة كمخلوق و كائن بشري و ركيزة مهمة من ركائز المجتمع الإسلامي .. و كيف إهتم الإسلام بالمرأة ، و أوصى الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم بالنساء خيراً .

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  From Sheikh Estes
Posted by: Muslimah - 06-25-2003, 12:13 PM - Forum: Discussion of Beliefs - Replies (7)

Salam alaykum:

How are you doing? How is everyone there? Do you still remember me in your dua? Please ask everyone there to pray for us to continue this important effort for dawah.

I want to share something with you and ask you to read it and then pass it on to as many people (Muslims and non-Muslims) as you can, inshallah.

I was just reading an article in the USA Today paper on page 7D (June 6, 2003). It caused me to really wake up and think. We are not doing our job.

Now more than ever before, we need to carry this message of "Laa elaha illa lah" (there is none worthy ! to be worshipped except the One True Almighty God of the universe) to these people here in the West. They are searching and they are lost. They don't know and we are not really helping them. They don't know about the proof that Almighty Allah (God) does exist, nor do they understand the purpose of this life (to fulfill God's Will on earth as it is in Heaven, by worshipping Him, alone, without any partners). We need to show them the proofs that can help them understand and then be convinced, as I was and many thousands of others have understood on coming into Islam.

We need to tell them and show them the Haqq (absolute truth) of Islam. They need to know about the pure submission to Almighty, The Most High. They are looking in all directions (except Islam) to solve their problems. But they can't find permanent solutions without Allah.

Think about these proofs from the sunnah (way of Muhammad as examples for all humans) for instance:

Allah's messenger, Muha! mmad, peace be upon him, taught us over 1,400 years ago:

* Always wash your hands, wrists, arms, face, etc., after using the toilet.

* Wash hands before and after you eat.

* Always eat with your right hand (use your left hand for dirty and impure things and the right hand for eating, drinking and shaking hands).

* Don't eat until you are hungry.

* Never fill your stomach.

* Divide your stomach into three parts; one for food; one for drink; and one for air.

* Always sit while you are eating or drinking.

This was 1,400 years ago. Today we are so modern. Right? Well, think about this:

1) Public television aired a program dealing with the epidemic level of the spread of hepatitis B, sometim! e back. They proved that it was largely due to those who were food handlers in fast food restaurants. The workers were not washing their hands after going to the toilet. They would handle the food with filth from the toilet still one their hands. Other programs exposed the fact that office workers were spreading many diseases that could have been avoided by washing their hands after using the toilet as well. In one example, tests were conducted on keyboards of computers, telephone receivers and other things that were touched and shared on a regular basis in a large office complex. The study showed that many germs and even fecal matter (human waste) was found everywhere in the office and even in the air that they were breathing. Emphasis was on the fact that the people were not washing themselves after going to the toilet.

2) In a study done by the United States Navy during the time of the Clinton administration, they wanted to determine the effects of cleaning and was! hing after using the toilet. On one ship every single person (around 200 or so, if I remember correctly) were commanded to wash before and after going to the toilet and before eating, etc. The findings? Very clearly, the evidence showed that these men had a definite decline in sickness, headaches, colds, diseases and no mention of any hepatitis at all.

3) There is a series on TV about how they only now are discovering the only way to insure longevity (long life) is not related so much to what you eat, but rather: how much you eat. They are calling for smaller portions; not to eat until you are hungry; not to fill your stomach; even telling people to begin by cutting the amount they eat -- in HALF.

4) Many people, even Muslims today, are saying things against the sunnah of Muhammad, peace be upon him. Some say it is not valid today. Others claim they don't see any value in it or that it is something not important and some are even making fun of his way and his t! eachings as though this is something old fashioned and outdated. (Aouthubillah).

Yet, when the same thing is coming from a non-Muslim doctor in Washington, DC... I'll let you decide about this one:

One night while driving home very late, from a fundraiser in Virginia, I was very tired. So, while waiting for a light to turn green, I laid my head on the steering wheel. When the light turned green, my little daughter started tapping my shoulder and saying, "Daddy, wake up!" "Daddy, you have to drive.." I said, "I'm too tired." She then turned on the radio in the car very loud in an effort to wake me up. There was a man's voice saying, "Never stand up when you eat or drink." He continued; "Never, ever stand up when you eat or drink; always sit down while eating and drinking." By now, I was wide awake and driving again. I thought, "Who could be talking like this?" This was sounding like Muslim preachers telling their followers to emulate the prophet, peace be upon him, i! n sitting while you eat and being careful of your eating habits; not to fill your stomach; always wash your hands. The voice on the radio continued, "If you knew the damage that you are doing to your body by standing while you eat, you would never do it." He then began to name the various parts of the body that are effected by standing rather than sitting while you eat, "Your esophagus, the stomach, kidneys, liver, etc." He was a doctor and he said, "Most of the operations would not be necessary if people would only SIT DOWN WHEN THEY EAT OR DRINK."

Interesting, isn't it?

Of course, now if we were to sit while we eat and take small portions and not eat to our fill, we would have to ask ourselves the question, "Am I doing this for Allah and His messenger, peace be upon him, or am I doing it for my health?"

5) I received an email that was trying to make fun of what Allah mentioned in the Quran about "gardens underneath which rivers flow" in the Paradise. T! hey were saying that it did not make any sense for people to need gardens in Heaven nor did they need rivers, nor fragrances, nor couches to sit on, nor any of the things referred to in conjunction with such teachings. They were ridiculing these references in Quran and claimed it proves Islam is wrong. (Aouthubillah)

Notice however, in USA - Today, an article in on page 7D, Friday, June 6, 2003,: "Tranquility grows well in a garden." It says that Americans are awakening their inner transcendentalist with healing havens -- gardens designed to bring peace to the owner. They call their "sanctuaries" "tranquility gardens." They picture a woman named Molly Matthews as a "horticultural therapist" and she is designing these "tranquil gardens" for people in California. Look also at the terms they are using in the article:

".. sanctuaries, also known as "tranquility gardens"" and "Gardens have always been a safe haven and a place to renew" and ".. bring pleasure, ! and in times of uncertainty and stress.." also, "people are being more mindful of their surroundings.. looking outside and thinking, 'What can I do to make this my palace .. my oasis?'" The so-called horticultural therapist says, "You need to be away from the cement, which is numbing to people." She goes on to include many things straight from the Quran in her theme of peaceful gardens, including "angels"; "jewelry"; "shells from beaches, layered on panels" and man-made ponds. Her instructions for a "tranquility garden" include: "Select a SACRED area... in green space, add COMFORTABLE SEATING"; "colorful and fragrant flowers"; "Embellish with calming elements - water and wind are sensory... soothing"; "Top choices... birdbaths, wind chimes and small water fountains."

Quote: "It's important to feel like you're in an EDEN, a sanctuary." -- Molly Matthews, horticultural therapist.

Why is it when Ms. Matthews says it, it makes USA Today news? But when Allah Almighty sa! ys it, they make fun and ridicule or call it a book of terrorism?

May Allah guide us all, ameen.

Right now I'm in a hotel in Grand Rapids, MI. We have a program planned for today, inshallah, to give dawah to the non-Muslims here in Michigan. Pray for us and for Allah to guide them, inshallah.

Earlier this week we were in Flint, Michigan (2 shahadahs); Merrillville, Indiana (1 shahadah); Chicago, Illinois for two separate nights (2 more shahadahs) and then later today we are heading toward Detroit (Flint again).

Hundreds and hundreds of Muslims are coming out for the events, but the problem is that they are only bringing one or two non-Muslims to attend this things. I pray that Allah will guide us all to do our jobs, before it is too late. Ameen.

Keep up your dawah efforts there and make sure that you hold fast to the rope of Allah (don't let the shayton separate your community).

Let us stay in touch and keep me informed of the! dawah activities there, inshallah.

Jazakalah khair was Salam alaykum,

Yusuf Estes

National Muslim Chaplain

Washington, DC - USA

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  Why I Am Never Going Back To America
Posted by: Muslimah - 06-25-2003, 09:13 AM - Forum: General - Replies (14)

AS Salam Alykom

May be this article contains some inappropriate words, but I still thought of posting it.

Why I Am Never Going Back To America

May 10, 2003

By Zeba Khan, US Citizen

A Thoughtful Article By A Sister For The Parents In America.

I may be an American citizen, but that's not my fault. I ask the reader to please forgive me that much and continue with the rest of the article. As a consequence of having been born, raised, and college educated in the States, I have gora-saab Urdu, a severe allergy to mosquito bites and a blue passport, but again, that's not my fault.

Often at parties, mostly at weddings, people (with sons my age who eat, drink, and dream in red, white and blue) will slyly ask whether or not I have plans of returning. I say no, not at all, not unless pigs fly, hell freezes over, and the Cubs win the World Series, all on the same day.

Then they ask me why, and I can never answer them. I'm ashamed to, and the reason why is because the true nature of American society is obscene, and Islamic Taboos are often rites of Passage back in God Bless America. The sins that Americans proudly broadcast are so fahosh (obscene!) that I cannot mention them in mixed company in more than a whisper. But luckily I can type though, and here, dear readers, dear sly aunties, dear people who think I'm insane, is why I'm never going back to the US.

America is famous for turning out highly qualified doctors and engineers, and I will not insult their universities and colleges. The Ivy League universities offer the best education that money can buy...in an environment where 90% of all on-campus rape cases are linked to alcohol and approximately 240,000 to 360,000 of the nation's 12

million current undergraduates will ultimately die from alcohol-related causes. (Stats from SAMHSA, the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website)

But like I said, I'm not going to slander institutions where illicit affairs betweens professors and students are common enough to be part of campus life. It's a lovely collegiate society where emergency phones with blue light beacons are installed every 100 or so feet on college grounds to curb crime and sexual assault. I said I wouldn't slander the colleges, and I'm not. To slander something is to lie, to demean it with incorrect information, and I'm doing neither. Everything I've mentioned it true blue (and white, and red) and 100% certifiable by anyone

who has been to college in any major city like Chicago.

Enough about college, let's go further back to public high school. I'll tell you no lies here, either. The state of Illinois has mandated a health and safety class for all students, and the class is taught to grade 9. The safety part of the class curriculum includes driver's education. The health part of the class involves skin care, fitness, how

to use a condom, how to recognize transmitted diseases in your sexual partner and why, if you decide you're a homosexual; it's ok to feel that way.

I was blessed, truly blessed by Allah that I was absent the day that my teacher showed a live video of a woman giving birth, the natural way, in the nude, in stirrups. This all-natural, all-nude video was shown in front of my mixed 9th grade class, it was shown to both the boys and the girls at the same time. I heard horror stories the next day from my fellow miserable Muslimahs.

I, and hundreds of thousands of other young Muslims who were unfortunate enough to be educated in the US, was taught that being gay (Hijra!) is quite normal. Never mind the two girls sitting outside the class window kissing each other with open mouths - they're exercising their right of choice. Homosexuality is not a deviation, it's a lifestyle, and a rather trendy one at that.

Hooray for gay-rights and the yearly gay-pride parades held in most major cities of the US. If you're fortunate enough not to know what a gay-pride parade is, allow me to ruin your day. It's a procession of cars, decorated floats, dancers, near-naked hijras and brainwashed heterosexuals who are proud to be part of a sin so severe that it caused the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah.

Back to school, if your son or daughter needs a condom so that they can have a little fun on their lunch break, they don't need to be ashamed. They can just go to the school counselor's office and get one from her, for free. If any of the students want to exercise the freedom that the American forefathers fought and died for, and engage in some pre-marital relations without any of the consequences, then there are hundreds of NGO's to help them with birth control, adoption, or abortion, without ever letting the parents know what's going on.

I'm being quite bay-sharam, I know, but how else can I explain these things? How else can I tell you that high-school in Chicago, a very average place, is a beer-drinking, pot-smoking, hormonally charged orgy where young girls and boys play merry-go-round with their sexual partners. Oh, and there's very high-quality biology, chemistry and physics in there somewhere too.

If you think that my merely mentioning this is outrageous, then what do you think of the unfortunate Pakistanis and Muslims who study this as part of school curriculum and are taught to practice these things in their daily life? It's not their fault they're subjected to such an immoral brainwashing, and that's why I call them (and myself)

unfortunate instead of guilty. These poor 9th graders (aged 14-15 on average) did not chose to be born in a society where talk is cheap, love is free, and God is banned from public schools.

Yes, God is officially banned in public schools. Prayer in school is quite a controversial issue back over there in God Bless America. Religion is a private affair, and much like STD's, you're supposed to keep them to yourself.

The American educational assault goes farther than immorality; it extends into the illogical and absurd. Did you know that our ancestors were monkeys? What? You say that you knew your ancestors, and though one of your uncles had a low forehead, he was hardly simian? You may also say that the first man was Prophet Adam, peace and blessings be upon him, and he was no monkey. You know this because God said so, not just in Islam but in all three major religions of the world, and plus evolution has been deemed impossible by a huge but muffled community of scientists. (Read Evolution Deceit: The Scientific Collapse of Darwinism... by Harun Yahya) If you make the mistake of expressing your religious beliefs in class, you will be laughed out of class and scolded when you come eventually come back.

Teacher:(laughing with cocky attitude further bolstered by authority and his/her own brainwashing) "Silly, backwards, fundamentalist student, how foolish can you be to believe in God? What, have you ever seen God?

Look around, I don't see anything remotely worship-able in the universe, do you?"

Student:(muttering under breath to avoid being failed for bad behavior) "Well teacher, come to think of it, when I look around I can't see radio waves, microbes, heat, radiation, wind, or even your brain for that matter..."

The secular American scientific community boasts of its superior knowledge, but if you went by the same empirical logic that they use to ignore God (seeing is believing) then they don't have any brains, either. Both belief in God and belief in your teacher's brain can only be confirmed by sight apparently, and since both cases involve

death to do so, (dying to see God, killing your teacher and extracting his brain...) then the issue stays mostly unresolved in circles who refuse to use higher reasoning.

I must stop here and give credit to a few very intelligent, very religious college professors that I had. For example, Dr. P. Lancki, a religious Christian and a professor of Microbiology. During a long conversation about religion, science and society at large, Dr.Lancki told me with wonder in her eyes how it was impossible for a single cell,

miraculous in function and complex in design, to have been created by accident or random events. Not one single cell could be produced through the methods that educators teach to students in the US; evolution, but Dr.Lancki is forbidden to teach that in her class. "God," one of her coworkers told her, "...died with the dinosaurs. Man doesn't need religion anymore."

Times change. Where God was once called on sincerely to bless America, He is now used only for purposes of pro-war propaganda and occasionally brought up to take accountability off the shoulders of criminals. "I'm a

sociopath murderer, and God made me this way! I'm gay! And God made me this way! I'm a pedophile, and God made me this way!"

Religion in American is approached in a way that's comical if it wasn't so idiotic. In accordance with typical non-judgmental morality, one religion is no better than the next, and all religions take a back-seat to freedom. You may not believe that homosexuality is good, but in America you believe that people should be free to practice

homosexuality if they like. Never mind that you believe it is wrong, if you say so in public then you are labeled as intolerant, homophobic, a closet-queer, and of course, a bigot. Bigots get fired by their employers for being

closed-minded, but gays get free health-insurance from their employers for the same-sex partner they happen to be living with at the moment.

To move back to America would be to subject my future children to a thorough brainwashing, regardless of how well I tried to prevent it. When filth is broadcast on TV, sung about on the radio, advertised on the internet, and taught in school, how can you even remotely hope to fight it? Whatever you teach you children between breakfast and school, school and soccer practice, soccer practice and dinner is untaught a thousand times over once the child leaves home.

True, there are some Muslims who come out of America with basically sound minds and characters, but for every sound mind there are 100 corrupt ones who live with their Christian boy-friends, blame God for homosexuality, use the Masjid as a meat-market for dating and flirting, and join organizations like the Al-Fateha group. Al-Fateha sounds holy enough from where you're sitting, I'm sure, but it's actually an organization of homosexual Muslims in the US and Canada.

The American society is a system of thinly veiled chaos, and ever so often the veil is lifted. In New York, currently the world's most famous city, the Puerto Rican National Day Parade was one such example. In broad daylight, buzzed on alcohol and under the cover of mob-action, two years ago a group of over 50 young men traveled downtown New York assaulting women. Police stood idly by as women were stripped naked, sexually assaulted, sprayed with liquor and raped in the streets on New York. Did darkness hides the mob from the police? No, it was

mid-afternoon. Were the men stopped right away? No, they rampaged for over three hours.

This is American society, this is what happens to a people who do not believe in God, whose conduct depends on whether or not anyone will catch them if they do anything wrong. There is no humility or fear of Divine Retribution to keep men acting as men, there is only fear of the police. And when the police invisible or ineffectual, the men

become rapists, murderers, barbarians and savages.

A funny comparison exists between Karachi and New York, two major cities. In Karachi, when the electricity goes out, children play chupan-chupai or cricket in the streets. In New York, when the lights go out, women are assaulted, people are robbed, and stores are looted. This is not because the electric gates of the prisons have opened, releasing all of the criminals. No, this is because the electric lights and eyes of the police have gone blind, and in the cover of darkness, the common New Yorker becomes a common criminal.

I'm not nuts you know, I'm just honest. You can't get me to go back to America, not for money, not for fame, not even under the flimsy pretense of doing Dawah in America. I'm not going to lie to myself and say that living in America is Dawah, because I can't hide that my tax dollars pay Israeli settlers $10,000 a year, per family member, to occupy Palestine and to kill the Ummah I profess to be a part of. A white-picket fence and a two car garage in the suburbs is not Dawah, its greed. Sending your children to the best schools is not Dawah, its opportunism,

its taking advantage of a system built on the backs of third-world countries and dead Muslims.

Thousands of Afghanis have died to put cheaper gas in your sports utility vehicle, thousands of Iraqis died to keep your car running for less money, your heating bills down, and your salary higher. Thousands of Palestinians have been shot with bullets that your tax-dollars bought and thousand more will if you stay and become the ideal immigrant. To be the tax-paying, flag-waving, English speaking Desi who is repulsed by 'backwards' notions of religion, and sends your children to get a good education at a Catholic school, is to be the perfectly assimilated,

perfectly absorbed hypocrite.

How convenient it is for a Muslim to condemn America for its tyranny, but take no action against it at all. It's like a shepherd that shares a cave with wolves who kill his own sheep, but stays because the cave is warm and the mutton is free. The shepherd stays with the wolves under the pretense of doing Dawah to the wolves.

He hopes that by living with the wolves, the wolves will feel sympathy for the shepherd, they will better understand him, and maybe not kill his sheep anymore. How very convenient, very illogical, and very beneficial for the shepherd! Never mind that it's wrong, just remember that the cave is warm and the mutton is free, the streets are clean, the skyscrapers are shiny, and your children are being given quality wolf-education and eating quality mutton from your murdered sheep.

Dear aunties, I would recommend that you set your sights on some other Amreekan Palat, I may move a hundred times in my life, but never back to the country whose ruler has reinstated the crusades. Never to the land

where a 67 year old Afghani Imam is in camp x-ray for giving Mujahideen dry bread crusts. Never to a land where my own Muslim brothers are collateral damage. I swear by Allah, I will never make that mistake again.


FORWARDED BY [iopwe-list]

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Posted by: Muslimah - 06-25-2003, 09:07 AM - Forum: Current Affairs - No Replies


Court Deems Affirmative Action Constitutional by 5-4 Vote

(WASHINGTON, DC) – MAS Freedom, along with BAMN (By Any Means Necessary), the NAACP and other civil rights and civil liberties organizations, supports the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision upholding the constitutionality of affirmative action in public universities. MAS Freedom was a principal participant, along with the other organizations who rallied in front of the Court on April 1, 2003, as arguments were heard in a case involving the University of Michigan’s affirmative action policies.

In the June 23, 2003, decision involving the University of Michigan, the Court ruled 5-4 that race can be one of the factors that colleges use to pick their students, so long as it is not the only factor.

"Universities cannot establish quotas for members of certain racial groups or put members of those groups on different admission tracks," wrote Justice Sandra Day O'Connor, "Universities can, however, consider race or ethnicity more flexibly as a 'plus' factor in the context of individualized consideration of each and every applicant."

“I think the court got it right,” said MAS Freedom Executive Director Mahdi Bray. “We live in a society where race still matters in that state-sponsored maladies such as institutional racism require state-supported remedies. This is definitely the right signal to send to the Bush administration, who had sought, under the guise of ‘compassionate conservatism’, to roll back civil rights and civil liberties.

“However, I think it would be a gross misconception to characterize affirmative action as state-sponsored remedy that deals with race,” said Bray. “To date, the greatest benefactors of affirmative action have been women, not members of a particular race.”

MAS Freedom Foundation is America's largest Muslim grassroots organization. Its mission is to build an integrated empowerment process for the American Muslim community through civic education, participation, community outreach, and coalition building, and to forge positive relationships with other institutions outside of the Muslim community, ensuring and facilitating the protection of civil rights and liberties for American Muslims and all Americans.

We need your support in this important work. Please send donations to MAS FREEDOM, 1050 17th St. NW, Suite 600, ATTN: Development.

For more information about MAS Freedom, see www.masnet.org or call 202-496-1288.

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  Islamic clothing
Posted by: sof - 06-24-2003, 03:29 PM - Forum: Woman and family - Replies (1)

Salam Sisters and Brothers

I would like to know where in London i can purchase islamic clothing? I am asking about the hijab and the jilbaab. I know of internet websites where i can purchase these items from, however i would prefer it if i could go to the actual physical location.


Allah Hafiz

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Posted by: sof - 06-24-2003, 03:20 PM - Forum: General - Replies (7)

Salam brothers and sisters

I have joined this Islamic forum as i have recently started practising Islam and taking it more seriously. I got to know about this forum thought my cousin sister amma.

Inshallah i hope to gain alot of knowledge and also to pass on my knowledge to you to benifit from.

May Allah bless you all and show you the right path.


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Posted by: hefny - 06-23-2003, 05:13 PM - Forum: General - Replies (1)


SEVEN TRICKS OF SHYTAAN *edited by Muslimah *

Shaykh Uthman Dan Fodia [1]

----------------------------------------------------- As for the tricks of Shaytaan against you they are seven.


Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that you are in need of these acts of obedience in order to gather provision from this life for the next life which will have no ending.


Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that your appointed time is not in your hands and that you could die at any moment.

3. HE COMMANDS YOU TO RUSH IN ACTS OF OBEDIENCE by suggesting to you, " Hurry! In order that you can do such-and-such!"

Repel him, if Allah protects you, that realizing that few acts of obedience done with perfection is better than many done incompletely.


Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that the sight of Allah is enough for you over the sight of men.

5. HE WHISPERS ARROGANCE AND PRIDE IN YOUR HEART by saying, "Who is greater and more precise than your obedience?"

Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that your acts of obedience to Allah is a blessing from Allah, not from yourself. If it were not for the bounty of Allah, you would not be able to establish any act of obedience, which are nothing next to the blessing of Allah Ta`ala.

6. This is the greatest of his tricks, he says to you, "Make strenuous effort in KEEPING YOUR OBEDIENCE OF ALLAH SECRET. Soon He will make your acts manifest before the world!"

Repel him, if Allah protects you, that you are a slave of Allah and that He alone is your Master. If He wills, He will manifest you and if He wills He will keep you concealed. If He wills, He will make you important and if He wills He will make you insignificant. That is for Him to decide, and you should not care whether He manifests your good deeds to people or not, because there is nothing in their hands worth seeking after.

7. He suggests in your heart, "THERE IS NO NEED FOR YOU TO PERFORM ACTS OF OBEDIENCE to Allah. Truly, if you were created and destined to be among the people of bliss, then there is no danger in you neglecting the acts of worship. And if you were created and destined to be among the people of wretchedness, then there is no benefit in doing them.

Repel him, if Allah protects you, by realizing that you are a slave. And that it the duty of a slave to obey the commands as is the right of servitude (`ubuudiyya).

Allah is the Rabb, and He knows the rights of Lordship (rubuubiyya). Thus these acts of obedience will benefit you in every way if you were created and destined to be among the people of bliss. It will benefit you by increasing your reward. And if you were not created and destined for bliss, then in no way Allah will punish you for acts of obedience. These acts of obedience will not harm you. For to be entered into the fire while you are obedient to Allah is more precious to you than your being entered into the fire while you are disobedient.

And how is it possible for you to enter the fire when the Promise of Allah is true and His Words are Truthful. For He has promised a tremendous reward for acts of obedience. Whoever meets Allah Ta`ala while he has faith and obedience will never enter the fire and he has dully earned the Paradise by the Promise of Allah the Truthful and not by any act. It is in that Allah has informed us by His saying, " Allah`s praises are due to Allah who made good to us His Promise and has made us inherit the earth and we may abide in the Paradise whenever we please. Excellent is the Reward of those who work. [39:74].

Therefore my brothers, wake up! It is as He said. So seek the aid of Allah alone and seek refuge with Him. All matters are in His hands and from Him alone is success. And there is no power nor might except with Allah the Exalted the Great.

Shaykh `Uthman Dan Fodio

Tareeqah Al-Jannah Bab Muhaarabatush-Shaytaan-(On the War with Shaytaan)

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [1] Shaykh Uthman Dan-Fodia (1168-1232 AH/1744-1817 CE) was a scholar, a valiant mujaahid and a caring teacher who had spent 29 years of his life teaching as an itinerant. He had to confront three unfortunate and powerful institutions at his time, the tyrannical aristocracy, the 'Sarauta' or rapacious so-called 'Ulema and the selfish business community. He tactfully avoided any deal with the tyrannical ruling class. His high moral integrity can be gauged from the fact that he declared receipt of gifts, accommodation, and donation from an oppressive judge, ruler, governmental functionary and even a scholar of such type as illegal.

He was appointed to lead the Sokoto mujaahidoon in 1219 AH/1804 CE against the well-trained and better equipped Gobir forces that were composed of the Fulani, the Hausas and the Tuareq and dealt them a humiliating and crushing defeat.

He once said, "We have now unfortunately reached a state whereby you could hardly get one who could admit his mistake and weakness, and therefore return to what is right, no matter how clear it becomes to him due to principally his megalomania and self-applause."

On another occasion after a battle he addressed the public and said, "I am (now) left in the midst of liars and hypocrites, who say one thing and do entirely another. People who do not value knowledge and its pursuit... People who are unmindful of struggle for social justice... People whose pre-occupation is attainment of political power for the procurement of sensual comfort through concubines, flutists, gorgeous clothing and brisk horses which they display in towns and cities, not on the battlefields. They are a people who will accuse you of extremism once your opinion is in conflict with theirs, no matter how deeply rooted yours is in the (Islamic) authorities."

May Allah Almighty have mercy upon his soul and grant him al-Jannat al-Firdous. How more truly his noble words ring today!



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Posted by: Muslimah - 06-23-2003, 01:59 PM - Forum: Islam - No Replies


The American Muslim Association of North America



Smile to a Muslim is a sadaqa (charity). To smile to a non-Muslim is reaching!

(AL-AMANA Message / What is going on around the American Muslims)

In this week issue: Week No. 132, Month No. 32 (Al-AMANA Message # 188) June 22, 2003

1- AYAH OF THE WEEK (Verse from the Qur’an)

2- HADITH OF THE WEEK (Said or done by the Prophet, SAW)

3- DU’A’ OF THE WEEK (Supplication)









12- NEWS FROM THE MUSLIM WORLD (differences between Sunni and Shi’a)




(1)*(AYAH OF THE WEEK [Verse from the Qur'an])

Allah Subhanu Wata’ala said in His Book the Qur’an:

Say (to them): “Allah gives you life, then causes you to die, then He will assemble you on the Day of Resurrection about which there is no doubt. But most of mankind know not.” (Al-Jathiya 45:26)


(2)*(HADITH OF THE WEEK [saying By the Prophet, SAW])

Abdullah ibn Abbas (RAA) said: The Prophet (SAW) said:

“He who satiates himself, while his immediate neighbors are hungry, is not a true believer.”


(3)*(DU`A’ OF THE WEEK [supplication])

Dua-e-Qunoot (read in Witr):

O Allah! We beg help from You alone; ask forgiveness from You alone, and turn towards You and praise You for all the good things and are grateful to You and are not ungrateful to You and we part and break off with all those who are disobedient to you. O Allah! You alone do we worship and pray exclusively to You and bow before You alone and we hasten eagerly towards You and we fear Your severe punishment and hope for Your Mercy as your severe punishment is surely to be meted out to the unbelievers.



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Visit the sacred sites and complete that blessed worship.

Allah has said: “And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah.”

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Returning: August 17, 2003

5 Days in Mecca including 1 Friday

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Br. Sofian Abdelaziz at: 305-898-9314 (Miami Dade) 754-234-4456 (Broward)



AMANA, the American Muslim Association of North America.

Would like to invite you to the “Youth for Peace Camp”

Managed By: Sister Aysha Abdullah

Advisor: Sheikh Husam Khader

(For Ages 7-14)

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- Islamic Studies Workshop

- Fantastic Reading Adventures (Islamic)

- Qur’anic Tajweed Workshop

- Arabic Classes and Science Workshops

Dates: Monday – Thursday / June 23, August 22

Time: 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.

Location: Masjid Shamsuddin Learning Center

365 North East 167 Street

North Miami Beach, FL 33162

Tel. 305-898-9314

REGISTERATION: Required in advance

For more information:

Tel. 945-536-5441

E-mail. Hajah123@cs.com



Case # 03CR116-T-30-MAP Robert Goldstein

According to the Pinellas County Sheriff’s deputies:

Goldstein carried in his home light-armor rockets,

Goldstein carried in his home hand grenades,

Goldstein carried in his home machine guns,

Goldstein carried in his home sniper rifles,

Goldstein carried in his home more than 30 homemade bombs and not the least

Goldstein carried in his home 25,000 rounds of ammunition.

Authorities soon found the list of mosques, a meticulous plan of attack and the stated objective: "Kill all `rags' at this Islamic Education Center -- ZERO residual presence -- maximum effect."

Goldstein created a diagram with instructions to storm the main building and "shred" Muslims with a submachine gun, to detonate bombs to kill survivors, and to set trip wires to explode if anyone escaped to the parking lot. Other trip wires would deter arriving police cars.

First, we would like to thank God and then the authorities in the Pinellas County for their great job. We thank them for saving the thousands of lives Goldstein was planning to kill. And the Islamic Centers Goldstein was planning to terrorize.

We consider Dr. Robert Goldstein is considered a professional terrorist. He was planning major terrorist attacks on the American civilian men, women and children in the area of Florida, USA.

Today and after the light sentence Goldstein got, we ask the Governor of Florida and the authorities who are in charge of our safety and security to consider him as a terrorist and to take him to the court of justice for a fair trail.

Please read complete article:


Please send your comments about Goldstein the terrorist to:


The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA.



Inna Lillah Wa Inna Ilaiyhi Raji’oun.

The mother of our brothers (Mahmood & Abdullah Aljazzar) Died few days ago due to Cancer in the Liver.

O Allah forgive our dead. O Allah give them mercy and grant them paradise. Ameen.

Please pay for her and for all of our dead.

Al-AMANA Voice



(10)*(GET SMART!) For Diabetic Patients and Families

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Al-AMANA Voice






No crucial differences between Sunni and Shi’a, says Mufti

Cairo, Rabi Thani 16/Jun 16 IINA) – The Mufti of Egypt, Dr. Ahmed Al-Tayyib, has said that the differences between

the Sunni and the Shi’a are just like differences between any other schools of thought, and added that the Holy Qur’an that is being read by the Shi’a is exactly the same as that read by the Sunni, without an iota of difference.

He said the Shi’as believe in all the articles of the Islamic faith, just like anyone else, added that whoever claims that they have a different type of the Qur’an is just telling lies. The Mufti said that those who say that the Shi’a are dissenters is also telling a lie, and is only serving the aims and whims of the enemies of the Muslim Ummah.

The Mufti said that the Sunnis and the Shi’a have differences of opinion on the Imamate, but these are not differences that would justify ostracizing them from the fold of Islam. He said the Shi’a might not be doing the right thing in observing the ritual of inflicting pain on themselves when they commemorate the death of their ancestral leader, but this is something that should be reconsidered by them. HI/OB/IINA








AL-AMANA Fatwa Service!


Sheikh Husam Khader (AMANA)


Send your inquiries to: FATWA@al-amana.org

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The American Muslim Association of North America, AMANA.

Proudly Serving the U. S. Muslim Communities Since 1992

(A Member in the “Florida SAC”, Florida State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights)

{The Islamic Center for Reaching & Preaching} "Al-AMANA Voice"


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Tel. 305-898-9314, Fax. 305-231-7336

E-mail: info@al-amana.org



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“Islam Honors Human & Civil Rights! We Honor them Too.”


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  Investing in the USA
Posted by: Muslimah - 06-23-2003, 01:43 PM - Forum: Islam - No Replies

Assalamu alaikom,

1. What is the best way to invest your money in the western world without angering Allah?

2. And is paying mortgage for a home considered under the categories of ribah?

3 How do you buy a property in the States and not let your spouse get half of it fearing they put a loan on it..or anything of the like?

Answer to #1:

What is the attitude of Islam towards buying and selling shares as a profession? May Allaah reward you with good.


Praise be to Allaah.

1 – Definition of shares.

A share is a defined portion of the total capital of a company.

A share is defined as being the share that the shareholder has in a company, or a portion of the total capital of a company, written on a certificate that has a nominal value, so that the shares in totality represent the capital of the company, and are all of equal value.

Based on that, the share is an independent document, given to the shareholder, that contains information specific to the company, such as the company name, the amount of its capital, its nationality, the location of its headquarters, the number and value of the share and the name of its holder if it is a nominal share, or the statement that the share belongs to the bearer.

2 – Ruling on shares

In principle there is nothing wrong with buying or selling shares, but there are some things that should be avoided, such as:

Buying and selling shares in companies in which it is haraam to hold shares because they sell things that are not permissible, or they help in spreading corruption and falsehood.

Buying and selling shares in riba-based banks.

Putting share money in riba-based banks, because that leads to the profits being mixed with riba money.

A – The Standing Committee was asked about holding shares in private companies that deal in charity work, agriculture, banks, insurance and petroleum. They replied:

It is permissible for a person to hold shares in these companies if they do not deal with riba. If they deal with riba then it is not permissible. That is because it is proven from the Qur’aan, Sunnah and scholarly consensus that dealing with riba is haraam.

Similarly it is not permissible for a person to hold shares in commercial insurance companies, because the insurance policies involve ambiguity, uncertainty and riba, which are all haraam according to Islamic sharee’ah.

Fataawa Islamiyyah, 2/43

B – There follows the text of a question and answer from the Fatwa Committee of the Kuwaiti Finance House (Bayt al-Tamweel al-Kuwaiti) concerning the third point.


Is it permissible to buy and sell shares in foreign companies such as General Motors, Phillips and Mercedes, knowing that these are industrial companies, but they do not refrain from lending and borrowing with interest?


In principle, there is nothing wrong, from the point of view of sharee’ah, with holding shares in industrial, commercial or agricultural companies, because they are subject to profits and losses. It is akin to the kind of investment approved of in sharee’ah, subject to the condition that these companies keep away from riba-based transactions, whether they are paying or taking interest. From your question it is obvious that these companies deal in riba, paying or taking it, so on that basis holding shares in them is to be regarded as holding shares in a riba-based operation, which is what is forbidden in sharee’ah. And Allaah knows best.

Al-Fataawa al-Shar’iyyah fi’l-Masaa’il al-Iqtisaadiyyah al-Ajzaa’ Bayt al-Tamweel al-Kuwaiti, Fatwa no. 532.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A (www.islam-qa.com)



3 years ago we bought a house with a morgage with interests [riba] after we heard a fatwa.now we finished paying it [we payed a big part of it cash ] my questions are ;-

1- is it halal for us to live in this house.

2- can we rent it.

3- can we use it as a work place . [business,work from home].


Praise be to Allaah.


You have to repent to Allaah for this interest-based loan, because interest (riba) is one of the worst of major sins. Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning):

“O you who believe! Fear Allaah and give up what remains (due to you) from Riba (from now onward) if you are (really) believers.

And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allaah and His Messenger but if you repent, you shall have your capital sums. Deal not unjustly (by asking more than your capital sums), and you shall not be dealt with unjustly (by receiving less than your capital sums)”

[al-Baqarah 2:278-279]

Ibn Katheer (may Allaah have mercy on him) said in his Tafseer (2/657):

“This is a stern warning and a threat to those who persist in dealing in riba after having been warned. Ibn Jurayj said: Ibn ‘Abbaas said: ‘Take a notice of war’ means, be certain of war from Allaah and His Messenger… and it was narrated that Ibn ‘Abbaas said: It will be said on the Day of Resurrection to the one who consumed riba: ‘Take up your weapon for war.’ Then he recited (interpretation of the meaning):

‘And if you do not do it, then take a notice of war from Allaah and His Messenger’

[al-Baqarah 2:279].”

The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) cursed the one who consumes riba, the one who pays it, the one who records it and the two who witness it, and he said: “They are all the same.” (Narrated by Muslim, 1598).

With regard to living in this house, if you have repented to Allaah then there is nothing wrong with you living in it or renting it out or using it as a place of business.

The Standing Committee was asked about a man who took out an interest-based loan and built a house: should he knock down the house, or what should he do?

They replied:

If the situation is as you say, then what you have done by taking out this loan in this manner is haraam because it is riba. You have to repent and seek forgiveness for that, and regret what you have done, and resolve not to do such a thing again. With regard to the house that you built, do not knock it down, rather make use of it by living in it etc, and we hope that Allaah will forgive you for your careless action.

Fataawa al-Lajnah al-Daa’imah, 13/411.

We ask Allaah to accept our repentance and to help us to do that which He loves and which pleases Him.

And Allaah knows best.

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  Kitâb At-Tawhîd from Sahîh al-Bukhârî
Posted by: amma - 06-21-2003, 09:56 PM - Forum: Islam - No Replies

Kitâb At-Tawhîd from Sahîh al-Bukhârî

by Imâm Muhammad bin Ismâ‘îl al-Bukhârî

Translated by Abu Rumaysah


The saying of Allah, the Exalted,

"Allah warns you of Himself" [Ali 'Imran (3): 28]

and His, Magnificent is His mention, saying,

"You know what is in myself but I do not know what is in Yourself" [al-Ma'idah (5): 116]

32. 'Umar bin Hafs bin Ghayath narrated to us; my father narrated to us; al-A'mash narrated to us; from Shaqiq; from 'Abdullah that the Prophet (SAW) said,

There is none having a greater sense of modesty and self-respect than Allah and it is for this reason that He has forbidden shameful deeds and sins. There is none to whom praise is more beloved than Allah.

33. 'Abdan narrated to us; from Abu Hamzah; from al-A'mash; from Abu Salih; from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet (SAW) said

When Allah created the Creation, He wrote in His Book - and He wrote [that] about Himself and it is placed with Him upon the Throne - 'indeed My Mercy overcomes My Anger.'

34. 'Umar bin Hafs narrated to us; my father narrated to us; al-A'mash narrated to us; I heard Abu Salih [saying]; from Abu Hurayrah that the Prophet said (SAW),

Allah, the Exalted says, 'I am just as My slave believes me to be and I am with him when He remembers Me. So if he remembers Me within himself, I too remember him within Myself. If he remembers Me in a group of people then I remember him in a group that is better than them. If he comes one span nearer to Me then I go one cubit nearer to him; if he comes one cubit nearer to Me then I go a distance of two outstretched arms nearer to him; and if he comes to Me walking then I go to him running.'


The saying of Allah, the Mighty and Magnificent,

"everything will perish save His Face" [Al-Qasas (28): 88]

35. Qutaybah bin Sa'id narrated to us; Hammad bin Zayd narrated to us; from 'Amr; from Jabir bin 'Abdullah that

When this verse,

"Say (O Muhammad): He is [the One] Able to send torments on you from above" [al-An'am (6): 65]

was revealed the Prophet (SAW) said, 'I take refuge with Your Face!' Allah then said,

"…Or from beneath your feet" [al-An'am (6): 65]

At which the Prophet (SAW) said, 'I take refuge with Your Face!' Allah then said,

"...Or confuse you [so that you become] sects" [al-An'am (6): 65]

Upon which the Prophet (SAW) said, 'this is easier.'


The Saying of Allah, the Exalted,

"in order that you would be brought up under My Eye" [Ta Ha (20): 39]

[The meaning of tusna'a] is to be nurtured and brought up.

His, Magnificent is His mention, saying,

"sailing under Our observation" [al-Qamar (54): 14]

36. Musa bin Isma'il narrated to us; Juwayriyyah narrated to us; from Nafi'; from 'Abdullah who said,

The Dajjal was mentioned in the presence of the Prophet (SAW) upon which he said, 'Allah is not hidden from you, indeed Allah is not one-eyed,' and he pointed with his hand towards his eye. [He continued], 'indeed Al-Masih Ad-Dajjal is blind in the right eye and his eye looks like a protruding grape.'

37. Hafs bin 'Umar narrated to us; Shu'bah narrated to us; Qatadah informed us; I heard Anas (RA) say that the Prophet (SAW) said,

Allah did not send any prophet except that he warned his people against the one-eyed arch-liar. Indeed he is one-eyed while your Lord is not one-eyed, the word kafir (unbeliever) is written between his two eyes.


The Saying of Allah, the Exalted,

"He is Allah, the Creator, the Originator, the Fashioner" [al-Hashr (59): 24]

38. Is`haq narrated to us; 'Affan narrated to us; Wuhaib narrated to us; Musa - who is ibn 'Uqbah - narrated to us; Muhammad bin Yahya bin Habban narrated to me; from ibn Muhayriz; from Abu Sa'id al-Khudri that

During the military expedition against Bani al-Mustaliq the [Muslims] took female captives and intended to have sexual relation with them, but without impregnating them. So they asked the Prophet about coitus interruptus. He said, 'it would not harm you to refrain from it for Allah has written whom He is going to create until the Day of Resurrection.'

Mujahid said; from Qaza'a; I heard Abu Sa'id saying that the Prophet (SAW) said,

No soul is created except that Allah is its Creator.


The Saying of Allah, the Exalted,

"to whom I have created with My Two Hands" [sad (38): 75]

39. Mu'adh bin Fadalah narrated to me; Hisham narrated to us; from Qatadah; from Anas that the Prophet (SAW) said,

Allah will gather the believers on the Day of Resurrection for [the Judgement] and they will say, "let us ask someone to intercede for us with our Lord that He may relieve us from [the severity of] this place of ours." They will then go to Adam and say, "O Adam! Do you not see the [state of] the people? Allah Created you with His Hand, ordered His angels to prostrate before you and taught you the names of all the things. Intercede for us with our Lord so that He may relieve us from [the severity of] this place of ours." Adam will say, "I am not fit for this undertaking" and mention to them the mistakes he had committed. [Then he will say], "but go to Nuh for he was the first Messenger sent by Allah to the people of the earth."

They will then go to Nuh [requesting the intercession but] he will reply, "I am not fit for this undertaking," and mention the mistakes he had committed. [Then he will say], "but go to Ibrahim, Khalil ar-Rahman (The beloved friend of the Most Merciful)."

They will then go to Ibrahim [requesting the intercession but] he will reply, "I am not fit for this undertaking," and mention to them the mistakes he had committed. [Then he will say], "but go to Musa, a servant to whom Allah bestowed the Torah and to whom He spoke directly."

They will then go to Musa [requesting the intercession but he] will reply, "I am not fit for this undertaking," and mention to them the mistakes he had committed. [Then he will say], "but go to Jesus, the servant of Allah, His Apostle, His Word and a soul [created by Him]."

They will then go to Jesus [requesting the intercession but he] will say, "I am not fit for this undertaking, but go to Muhammad (SAW) a servant whose sins of the past and the future have been forgiven."

So they will come to me and I will ask the permission of my Lord, and I will be permitted [to present myself] before Him. When I see my Lord, I will fall down in prostration before Him and He will leave me [in the state of prostration] for as long as He wishes. Then it will be said to me, "O Muhammad! Rise and speak and you will be listened to; ask and you will be granted [your request]; intercede and your intercession will be accepted." I will praise my Lord with certain praises that He taught me and then I will intercede. Allah will appoint for me those I can intercede for and I will admit them into Paradise.

I will then return and when I see my Lord [again], I will fall down in prostration before Him. He will leave me [in the state of prostration] for as long as He wishes. Then it will be said, "O Muhammad! Rise and speak and you will be listened to; ask and you will be granted [your request]; intercede and your intercession will be accepted." I will then praise my Lord with certain praises that He taught me and then I will intercede. Allah will appoint for me those I can intercede for and I will admit them into Paradise.

I will then return again and when I see my Lord [again], I will fall down in prostration before Him. He will leave me [in the state of prostration] for as long as He wishes. Then it will be said, "O Muhammad! Rise and speak and you will be listened to; ask and you will be granted [your request]; intercede and your intercession will be accepted." I will then praise my Lord with certain praises that He taught me and then I will intercede. Allah will appoint for me those I can intercede for and I will admit them into Paradise. Then I will return and say, "O my Lord! None remains in the Fire except those whom Qur'an has imprisoned therein and for whom eternity has become inevitable."

The Prophet further said, "everyone who says 'La ilaha illAllah,' and has in his heart good equal to the weight of a barley grain will come out of the Fire. Then everyone who says 'La ilaha illAllah,' and has in his heart good equal to the weight of a wheat grain will come out of the Fire. Then everyone who says 'La ilaha illAllah,' and has in his heart good equal to the weight of an atom will come out of the Fire."

40. Abu al-Yaman narrated to us; Shu'ayb informed us; Abu az-Zinad narrated to us; from al-A'raj; from Abu Hurayrah that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said

'Allah's Hand is full, and it is not diminished by the continuous spending, day and night.' He also said, 'do you see what He has spent since He created the Heavens and the Earth? Yet all that has not decreased what is in His Hand.' He also said, 'His Throne is over the water and in His other Hand is the scale by which He lowers [and humiliates] and elevates [and exalts].'

41. Muqaddam bin Muhammad narrated to us; my uncle, Qasim bin Yahya narrated to me; from 'Ubaidullah; from Nafi'; from ibn 'Umar (RA) that

The Messenger of Allah said, 'on the Day of Resurrection, Allah will Grasp the earth and the Heavens will be in His Right Hand. Then He will say, "I am the King." '

It is [also] reported by Sa'id from Malik.

42. 'Umar bin Hamzah said; I heard Salim [saying]; I heard ibn 'Umar report this from the Prophet (SAW).

Abu al-Yaman said; Shu'ayb informed us; from az-Zuhri; Abu Salamah informed me; that Abu Hurayrah said,

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said, 'Allah will Grasp the earth.'

43. Musaddad narrated to us; he heard Yahya bin Sa'id [report]; from Sa'id bin Sufyan; Mansur and Sulayman narrated to me; from Ibrahim; from 'Ubaydah; from 'Abdullah that

A Jew came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, 'O Muhammad! Allah will hold the heavens on a Finger, the earths on a Finger, the mountains on a Finger, the trees on a Finger, and all the [remainder of] creation on a Finger, then He will say, "I am the King." ' On hearing that the Messenger of Allah (SAW) smiled till his premolar teeth became visible and recited,

"They have not appraised Allah with true, deserving appraisal..." [az-Zumar (39): 67]

Yahya bin Sa'id said; Fudayl bin 'Ayad added; from Mansur; from Ibrahim; from 'Ubaydah; from 'Abdullah,

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) smiled in order to express his wonder and affirmation at what was said.

44. 'Umar bin Hafs bin Ghiyath narrated to us; my father narrated to us; al-A'mash narrated to us; I heard Ibrahim saying; I heard 'Alqamah saying; 'Abdullah said,

A man from the People of the Book came to the Prophet (SAW) and said, 'O Abu al-Qasim! Indeed Allah will hold the heavens upon a Finger, the earths on a Finger, the trees and land on a Finger, and all the [remainder of] creation on a Finger. Then He will say, "I am the King! I am the King!" '

Thereupon I saw the Prophet smiling till his premolar teeth became visible and he recited,

"They have not appraised Allah with true, deserving appraisal..." [az-Zumar (39): 67]

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