Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Feedback and suggestions

Here members may post their suggestions and feedback about the forums. Also to gain access to the sisters/brothers only room, pls post your request here.

52 432 want pemission
11-27-2009, 12:36 PM
by Muslimah
Tajweed Articles

Members are welcome to read Tajweed and Quran related articles in this room

3 4 just posting to say Hello
04-28-2011, 01:13 PM
by Guest

Forum Threads Posts Last Post

You may contribute any topics that are not classified under other forums

Sub Forums:
7 6,739 Introduction to The New M...
08-05-2024, 06:41 PM
by Hassan
"And remind for reminding benefit the believers

Here u can post any reminder which may benefit all of us

276 1,090 This Is It.
06-22-2019, 11:46 AM
by Abu Hafsat

Here you can post and read topics about Quran, hadeeth, Sunnah, or any other Islam related material

838 4,806 Amounts of Rakah for each...
08-03-2024, 02:58 PM
by Hassan
Current Affairs

You may add to this forum news that are of major concern to Muslims in general. It is recommended that you always include the source. News analysis and political opinions are also encouraged.

446 1,988 Thoughts on Paris tragedy
01-20-2015, 07:48 PM
by Muslimah
Woman and family

In this forum you may post material that benefits Muslim woman and family. Let us see your inputs

220 1,363 Buy registered Passports(...
09-24-2017, 02:00 PM
by clarissenwana

Welcome to Usama's Den, a place where our youth meet. After returning from the last Haj, The Prophet SAW gathered an army against those who negated the truth of Islam. He appointed 17 year old Usama Bin Zaid RA as Amir. And from our Den, may Allah

Sub Forums:
Counselling Service
119 464 Happiness or Heartbreak
02-13-2015, 12:11 PM
by Muslimah
Learning Arabic

Here Insh a Allah our members will be able to learn the language of the Quran and find assistance from native speakers

52 287 Arabic For Dummies (PDF B...
08-27-2013, 09:48 PM
by Abu Hafsat

Welcome to Al-Saqeefah (The Meeting Room). From 'Saqeefah Bani Sa'idah' the Sahabah Radi Allahu Anhum emerged to spread the light of Islaam across the world. And from our Saqeefah, a place for Akhees to guide each other in our Salaf Salih way.

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Welcome to Daughters of 'Aishah (Banaat 'Aishah) - Mother of the Ummah and Alim to the Scholars. A place for Muslimahs to discuss amongst them selves.

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Discussion of Beliefs

For those who wish to discuss other beliefs from an Islamic viewpoint. Just try to keep it in a respectful manner in the name of Allah.

597 7,158 ChatGBT is answering a ve...
09-06-2024, 06:34 PM
by Muslimah

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
Islam and kids

as salam alykom
ok kiddies let us see your bright ideas

12-18-2009, 02:54 PM

Forum Threads Posts Last Post
An-nawawi’s forty hadith,

An explanation of the forty (40) hadith with a piece meal approach to memorizing everyone of them

0 0

Forum Threads Posts Last Post

We thought to dedicate a whole room in preparation for this warm and nice month. You may post and share any information, questions and answers, information on customs, how you felt on your first time to fast

129 700 What we should do on Layl...
04-15-2023, 08:22 PM
by Muslimah
Haj, Umrah, Eid ul Adha

This room shall be dedicated to Haj and Ummrah. Members may post and read relevant material on this section.

44 149 Virtues of the Day of Ara...
06-15-2024, 08:57 AM
by Muslimah

Use this room to post interesting links

78 166 Web-site For Tafsir.
04-09-2013, 06:21 PM
by Abu Hafsat
Islamic Events

U may use this room to post info about Islamic events for other to join and benefit

117 165 Pearls of Wisdom
12-18-2011, 09:16 AM
by Muslimah
Books you read

Here u may post titles of books u read with a brief description

66 111 Companions Of Prophet Muh...
06-26-2021, 05:38 PM
by Hassan Al Zahrani

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